• Party Time •

782 31 14

I turned the shower on as I felt the hot water run down my body. I closed my eyes for a moment and looked down at my feet. The water was pink, tiny drops of red fading away to a paler version every so often. I frowned, running my hands through my hair and over my body to look for a wound. There was none, and eventually the water ran clear again making me frown once again.

After finishing my shower and drying off, I noticed small spots of blood on the towel. I ignored it, got dressed and left the bathroom, leaving little droplets of water from my hair on the floor. I could feel my shirt absorb some of the water and had to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of the material sticking to my neck.

I didn't know what to do for the day, I'd been reminded by Michonne of the importance of attending 'school', but even she didn't seem to believe that it's use was necessary. Maybe I'd go just to have something to do; I was especially bored today.

Truthfully, I didn't have a clue what to do anymore and that boredom was suffocating. When we were on the road there was always something to do, whether it was fighting or searching for food and water. Now, we didn't have to fight to survive which left a lot of my usual routine empty.

I slid on my trainers, and began my walk around Alexandria. Maybe I could find something to do that didn't involve mathematics. I saw Enid in the distance, and decided it would make sense to get Ron's errand out of the way.

I caught up to her quickly, but had no idea how to engage in the conversation at hand.

"Hi," I said, which sounded embarrassing coming out of my mouth.

She didn't answer, keeping the same glum look that I was used to and I decided it would be best to just to get it out of the way.

"Ron asked me to talk to you," I said curtly, fed up of the ignorance.

"Cool," she answered looking away and turning to walk away from me to god knows where.

"He thinks you're depressed because of outside," I could feel the anger bubbling up but I kept my voice even. "Listen could you just talk to him to keep him off my back."

"Mhm," she hummed and I scoffed, walking away.

I didn't know what it was she didn't like about me, we both came in recently. Perhaps it was my dry sense of humour but either way it boiled an anger in me I didn't know I had.

I made my way back home, kicking my trainers off and leaving them abandoned at the door. I flopped onto the sofa, my knees to my chest as I tried to suppress my anger. Staring blankly at the floor wasn't what I wanted to do for the day but it was definitely helping.

I heard someone come in the house but didn't bother moving.

"What're you thinking about?" I hear Rosita's familiar voice and it was like everything I'd been trying to keep inside had just exploded out of me.

"Enid doesn't like me and I don't know why or what's wrong with me and guys are just weird, like why are they so disgusting and just annoying. And Carl's really confusing and I can't find him and I'm just really annoyed," I hugged out in one breath and looked at her to see her slightly taken aback.

A small smile graced her features before she sat next to me.

"Well." She started. "There's nothing wrong with you. Sometimes people just don't like people for no reason, it's like me and Abraham," she joked. "Boys are easy, you just haven't figured it out yet."

"If they're easy why do I want to punch them," I stated more than asked, and she laughed.

"You'll have a lot of those moments. Why's Carl confusing? He do something?" She asked and I shrugged.

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