Two years later

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Last chapters. Unless the plot bunny strikes for this universe. If there is anything you would like to have written in this AU, leave a message here or on my IG @awesome_goddess_of_mischief

"Bruce? Are you ready?"
The scientist fixed his tie, smiled nervously, and nodded. "More ready than I will ever be." He said warmly before taking a deep breath and walking in.
A few minutes later the music started to play and everyone turned to the grand double doors which were opened to reveal his gorgeous, redheaded bride.
Natasha had a small smirk around her lips as she saw Bruce smile happily at her.
The other avengers were standing at his sides. Steve being his best man, and both Clint and Thor groomsmen with their dates as bridesmaids. Fury stood in his usual leather coat, ready to marry them.

It was two years now. Two years since the verdict, since Stark was scentenced to life in a high security prison. Rumour, aka Jarvis, said that isolation had driven him mad.

Bruce was at peace with it. He finally found someone he could be himself with. He felt safe and loved and never pressured. Natasha knew exactly where the line between comfort and discomfort lay for him. And she never pushed that line. They could cuddle and exchange soft and warm kisses. And that's where it stopped. There was nothing sexual about it, just loving.

For the first time in his life, Bruce felt at home.
Both of them has their cracks. But they kept each other from breaking. And that was all they needed.

So he never hesitated for a second when the question was asked.
"Do you, Bruce Banner, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife. In sickness and health, richness and poor, until death do you part?"
"I do."

Natasha smiled one of her rare, real, smiles.
She loved Bruce so much. She knew he sometimes felt guilty for not being able to give her every part of a relationship. But she made sure he knew she doesn't need that. She needs him. And the soft touches and gentle kisses.
Back in the red room, sex was a weapon. She had to sleep with men if it helped the mission. That period in her life made her lose the emotional connection to sex. For her, sex was nothing but physical activity. And Bruce not liking sex, was like her not liking tennis. In her eyes. Never a reason to love him any less.

"Do you, Natasha Romanov, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and health, richness and poor, until death do you part?"
"I do." She whispered.
"You may now kiss the bride." Fury told Bruce.
The scientist smiled and leaned in to very softly kiss Natasha. She smiled and caressed his cheek.

"I love you Bruce."
"I love you too Natasha... With all my heart."

And during the speeches later, no one talked about the past. They talked about the future. Because that was what this was. A new beginning. A new chapter.

Steve rose his glass and smiled.
"To the future."

Bruce smiled at his gorgeous wife and kissed her cheek. "To the future."

There once was an abusive jerk...Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu