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This chapter has trigger warnings for: self-hatred, reference to an abusive relationship, reference to emotional abuse (lots of that), slight non-con? It's just bad. Run.

Steve just silently lead Bruce to the living room and sat him down on the couch where he immediately tried to appear as small as possible.

"Bruce... What did you mean with that?" Steve asked softly.
Bruce still looked confused. "You... You do not have to pretend anymore." He said as if it was obvious. "Tony is gone... He moved on. As he should have five months ago... You do not have to pretend to tolerate me anymore. I can not afford to buy you the gifts. Or have the skills to design the weapons. I-I am sorry... I wish I had... But I have nothing to offer you. So... You can stop now." He whispered.

They all looked confused but it was Clint who spoke up. "We are not pretending to like you Bruce." He said softly.

Bruce looked a little annoyed now. "/Please/ stop. I have nothing... I can't give you anything! I'm sorry. Just please stop pretending! I can never pay back the debt I will owe you if you keep going!" He said desperately.

Natasha sat down beside him on the couch. "Bruce, what makes you think we are pretending?" She asked softly.

"What...? I know." He said simply. Still confused. "I know Tony offers you gifts so you allow me in your presence. I know he buys you things and makes you stuff in trade of being kind to me. It's... It's fine. Most people wouldn't even do that. I really appreciate it. The illusion was nice. But I cannot afford to continue that. I'm sorry you lost that because Tony doesn't want me anymore." He whispered and looked down embarrassed.

"Bribed... You think our friendship was bought?" Thor asked hurt.

"I... I'm sorry." Bruce whispered as he pulled his legs on the couch to curl up again.

"More importantly, you think Tony left because he doesn't want you anymore? Alright that's it. You deserve to know Bruce." Clint said bluntly. "We love you man. And we had no idea Tony was treating you that way. We should have known, and it makes us sucky friends that we didn't, but we thought you two were just a normal couple. And as soon as we found out what happened, we got you out and Tony locked away. He will not harm you ever again. And we really are your friends Bruce." He finished and Bruce looked absolutely shocked for about five seconds.

Then he freaked out.

"No! Stop lying to me!" He yelled as he scrambled off the couch and hit the floor with a loud thud. He whimpered and curled up again, on the floor this time.

Thor gently lifted him up and put him back on the couch. "What makes you believe us to lie my friend?" Thor asked surprisingly soft.

"I... I am not stupid... Tony showed me... How you were weary of me at first... But then he gave you stuff and you slowly acted more and more friendly. And... I... Even without the video evidence... I'm a monster. Monsters do not get friends. They have to work hard to find and keep someone who is kind enough to pretend. I didn't work hard enough to keep Tony." He whispered and shook his head desperately. "I should have known. I don't deserve good things. I don't get good things." By the end his voice was barely audible and a few tears had escaped his eyes.

"Bruce..." Steve said softly. "We didn't act friendly. We actually grew to care for you. Tony's gifts had nothing to do with that. Time did. Yes we were more weary of you in the beginning. But then we got to know you. And we became your friends. If... We have seen some footage. We were friends when you started... dating... Tony. Did you only go out with him because you thought he was the reason we are your friends?" Steve asked hesitantly.

A glass was thrown against a wall when Bruce nodded ever so softly.

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