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Warning! All the trigger warnings again for this chapter!! Graphic description of verbal and physical assault!!

The preparations for court were nerve wrecking for everyone. They wanted to have Bruce prepared, but also not get him too worried.
Mostly they just spent their time playing games and watching movies to keep their minds off of things.
But eventually the day was there...

Bruce was fumbling with his tie nervously. He couldn't get the damn knot straight. Natasha walked in and silently swatted his hands away so she could knot his tie. She tied it quickly and efficiently before stroking a few wrinkles from his shirt and kissing his cheek lightly. "You will do great." She whispered. "And when we get back we'll curl up on the couch and watch A Knight's Tale while hogging the popcorn." She promised, and that got a small smile from the scientist.

Bruce was shaking with nerves and Steve looked worried. "You don't have to do this Bruce, we can just go home if you want?" He suggested softly, but Bruce shook his head.
"No. I want to do this. To get it over with." He mumbled and took a deep breath. Then the witness was called in on the other side of the door and he walked in.

He kept his eyes to the back of the room and sat down. He saw Tony glare at him from the corner of his eye and shivered slightly.
The judge, representing the world council, spoke up sounding serious and a bit annoyed.
"We will watch a few fragments to summerise the assault done to doctor Banner, by mister Stark. Doctor Banner, after each fragment we will require you to answer with a clear yes or no, if it was you present in the video. Will you be able to do that?" He asked and Bruce nodded softly.
"Alright. The first fragment is proof of verbal assault and verbal humiliation." The judge said sternly and the screen popped on.

On it you could see Bruce sitting on the couch in the private rooms of Tony, he seemed to be working on something when Stark walked in.
"What are you doing?" Tony said, sounding disgusted.
Bruce looked up and quickly looked back down again. "I-I'm wo-working on something n-new." He stuttered and Stark snorted.
"Something new? Someone as idiotic as yourself can't even cook me a proper dinner, let alone do anything more important than clean my damn room." Stark snapped. Bruce looked at the clock and paled a little.
"I'm so sorry, Tony, I... I forgot the time... I-"
"Shut up you whore. I have given you a good home. A lot better than you deserve. And you can't even properly earn your keep. So get your lazy ass off the couch and go cook. It's all you're good for anyway."
As Stark spoke, Bruce was slowly curling up on himself. He quickly got to his feet and stumbled to the kitchen.
"Absolutely pathetic. I should let you sleep on the floor like the animal you are."
One last jibe was yelled after him and as he entered the kitchen his cheeks were wet with tears.

The video ended and the judge looked not happy. To keep it nicely. He glared at Tony, who just shrugged.
He softened his gaze as he turned to Bruce. "Doctor Banner, was it you in this video?" He asked calmly.
Bruce nodded softly. "Yes. It was me." He whispered as he tried not to look at Tony,who was once again glaring at Bruce.
The judge nodded. "Let's continue to the next video. Prove of physical assault and, again, humiliation."

This time the video started in the lab.
Bruce was cleaning up after Tony, picking up cups and plates. He had his arms full when Tony took a step back to look at some designs and pushed against Bruce. The nervous men dropped a few cups which shattered to pieces.
Tony glared angrily. "That was my favourite mug!" He yelled and hit Bruce with the back of his hand, sending the other man flying to the floor.
The leftover cups and plates were shattered around him as he clutched his cheeks and tried to stop the tears from falling. "S-sorry." He whispered terrified.
Stark grabbed his hair and dragged him to a corner of the lab where he threw him against the wall. "You can stay there you useless piece of shit. You are going to clean that mess up when I'm done." He growled and kicked Bruce his side. The man whimpered and clutched his side. He curled up in the corner and stayed silent as tears streamed down his face.

This time the judge looked completely pissed. There were no other words for it. He took a deep breath before turning to a shaking Bruce.
"Doctor Banner? Was that you in the video?" He asked and Bruce nodded again.
"Yes. It was me." He whispered and hugged himself to stop from crying.

The judge took another deep breath. "Time for the last video. Prove of... Of sexual assault."

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