Chapter 78 • Alive

Start from the beginning

I squealed in happiness as the two of us danced goofily like we did that one day, the day my crush on him began. Then after a few moments, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He subconsciously held his hands on my waist. The two of us stared deep into each other's eyes.

"Getting deja vu?" I joked, which made him laugh.


"Us dancing in the rain was how my crush started." I smiled fondly at him.

Nick smiled with a hard blush.

"It's also where I wanna have our first kiss..."

His eyes widened a little.


"Nick..." I interrupted him, "Fear is the only thing stopping you from getting what you want...put yourself first this's just you and me here...I want you...?"

Nick swallowed hard while staring at my lips.

"Promise me you'll tell them tomorrow..."

"Only if you promise that you'll kiss me right now." I sadly smiled at him.

Nick huffed out a smile with an even bigger blush.

"I promise..."

"I promise..."

The two of us smiled widely and slowly leaned in, crashing our lips together in the rain.

We both instantly held each other tighter, savoring our perfect kiss. His lips were soft, his kiss slowly became more passionate. He squeezed my waist when I ran my hands from his cheeks to his hair.

Kissing him made me feel alive, safe, and loved.

After a minute, we split apart for air. Once we did, we rested our foreheads together while staring into each other's eyes, all with the biggest smiles on our faces.

"That was worth the wait..."

I huffed out a bigger smile and couldn't resist crashing our lips together again. This time, we were both hungrier for more. I licked his lips, requesting entry to makeout. He parted his lips slightly and that's what we did.

Kissing him felt addictive, it felt right.

After another minute of making out, we split apart. Our cheeks were as red as tomatoes.

"Jesus Christ..." He laughed, making me laugh too.

I soon realized it was still raining on us.

"We should head inside before we get sick." I chuckled.

"Oh—I forgot it was raining."

The two of us bursted out laughing, joined hands and jogged back inside.

We grabbed towels from the hall closet and changed out of our wet clothes. I borrowed his sisters pajamas.

You wore this:

Once we were all dried off, my best friend and I laid down together on his new and bigger bed

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Once we were all dried off, my best friend and I laid down together on his new and bigger bed. We were cuddled up the same way as yesterday. Our legs were tangled in each other, my head was on his chest, we smelt like each other.

After our excitement wore off, reality settled in our minds.

"I feel guilty..."

"Well you shouldn't." I tilted my head up to meet his eyes, "We both wanted to do it. You're not selfish for going after what you want..."

I kissed Nick's cheek.

"I'll tell them tomorrow, I promise..."

Nick nodded slowly.

"What happens after they know...?"

"We'll all talk about it and come up with a plan..."

"What is the plan...?"

"I don't know silly, I need to think of one." I chuckled.

Nick smiled then leaned his head against mine.

"No matter who you end up picking...I'm grateful for the moments we had..."

I nodded slowly.

"Me too..."

The two of us fell silent after that. We were trapped in our overthinking brains. After a minute, I yawned and began to feel more tired. So, I gave into my tiredness and shut my eyes.

"Goodnight hubby..."

"Goodnight wifey..." He kissed my forehead softly which made me smile with a blush.

Soon, the two of us fell asleep, ready for the truth to come out tomorrow.

❥Thanks for reading!
Final word count: 1264

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