Chapter 21 • Rewrite

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
After what felt like a million years, the bell finally rang. It was time for lunch.

As soon as I heard that bell, I dashed out the door as fast as I could.

Once I arrived in the cafeteria, I was determined to get our group together to discuss their fight.

When I made it inside, I scanned the room and saw Clay walking in through one door on his phone, George walking in through another door with his hands in his pockets. Then, Nick walked up from behind me.

"Y—Y/N, can we talk?"

I turned around quickly.

"Yep." I grabbed his wrist, leading us to George.

I grabbed George's wrist with my other hand then walked to Clay as the other 2 gave me puzzling looks.

"We 3 need to talk." I reached Clay, "But I ran out of hands so just follow me."

Clay squished his eyebrows together then the 4 of us left the cafeteria.

While walking down the halls together, I managed to find an empty classroom. I let go of George's wrist and opened the door then pushed the 3 of them inside. Once they were inside, I shut and locked the door then took a step forward.

"Tell me the truth." I crossed my arms while looking at them.

All of their eyebrows squished together as they glanced at each other.

"Why're you guys fighting?"

As if I casted a spell, they all immediately looked away from me and each other, making me roll my eyes.

"Nick told me some of it but he missed a few things that I need you two to tell me." I looked between George and Clay.

"What did you tell her??" He shot his head to Nick.

"That I've been hanging out with Clay too much and not leaving enough room for you two."

Clay frowned while looking out the window.

"And first things first, I wanna say that you all mean the world to me. And I love you all equally so just because I spend more time with the others, doesn't make any of you less valuable, okay?" I exchanged glances between them.

George sighed.

"But, I can tell there's more to the story than that so tell me everything." I raised my eyebrows.

Clay swallowed hard as he clenched his jaw.

"They told me to ignore you so you have more time for them." He blurted out, making their eyes widen at him.

My eyes widened too as my eyebrows squished together.

"That's why you've been ignoring me? Just because they told you to?"

He nodded with a frown.

"Okay..." I shook my head in annoyance, "Do you guys not understand that you can spend the night at my house individually or together, vise versa? What's the big deal?"

The 3 of them exchanged looks that I couldn't read, making me roll my eyes.

"It's against the rules..." he mumbled.

"Clay!" They raised their voices while glaring at him.

"Rules...?" I looked even more confused, "You guys have rules about me...??"

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