A New Opponent Has Arrived

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After that night, John stopped trying to fight the change. He stopped trying to rebel and he gave up on ever seeing his father again. It became obvious to him that to survive this situation he had to learn to live with it. He had to learn to enjoy all of the studying, to be able to use his ability with grace. John had to change his entire way of life just because he refused to break again.

He also had to meet with a counselor now. The lady was nice, but it wasn't hard to see through all of the manipulations. She wasn't like his tutor who was actually just trying to help. The lady had a sort of fakeness to her, her sweet words trying to make it clear that since he was above everyone, he had to set an example for the rest. He had to show the weak and unfortunate that he, the monster who terrorized an entire school, was what they should aspire to be. Fyora said that the counselor was hired to teach him the ways of the upper class and to make sure he was on track. He already knew that though. A certain mother had previously informed him exactly why he needed extra help. He only wished he could forget. But John can't, he needed to remember so he didn't make another mistake. It doesn't mean he can't distract himself with other things though.

Things like how good he has gotten with his ability. John could control himself now. He no longer felt the urge to destroy others. He can now assess situations even faster than before. He knew he could end a fight without beating them half to death. Still, he doesn't think he could go against his mother. At this point, he doesn't even want to. Maybe before that night, there was rage, maybe at one point there was a fire that wanted to tear down his mother, but it has since cooled. The teen can't even remember what it felt like to hate his mom. Now he's just thankful that she took him in. Who knows what could have happened without her help.

Without her, he would still be a mental mess who thought playing cripple would be better than showing the world his incredible gift. Truly his mom is a much better parent than a delusional, crippled, annoying, powerless...

He needed to stop listening to his counselor so much.

Still, no matter how much he thought his mother did for him, they really didn't talk all that much, only chatting if she needed something from him. Which is what brought him down to the dining room on this particular day. She requested a nice lunch. Code for - something is going to happen that involves him.

So he got dressed in his Sunday best, a nice white shirt and dark blue jeans, opened his door, and made his way down the stairs. The route to this particular room was engraved into his brain due to his previous explorations around the house. John got sick of getting lost every time he had to leave his room and now that he knows the layout, it feels more like home than even his old house-

The ravenette snapped out of his thoughts as he realized he had reached the dining room. He took a deep breath and quietly knocked on the door.

A soft "Come in." came from inside the room and John opened the white door.

He scanned the room and found his mother sitting at the end of the table, two plates in front of her. She looked up to meet his eyes and smiled. It was warm.

"John, it's nice to see you. Come sit, the chef made a wonderful salad for lunch."

He walked around the table and sat next to her, his hand automatically reaching for the crisp white napkin that sat near his plate. He gently unfolded it, placing the silverware next to his plate and the napkin on his lap. He then watched his mother, waiting for her to start eating so he could dig in. And once she did, he followed suit.

"How have you been John?" Her voice cut through the silence as he looked up to meet her gaze.

"I've been well. The counselor has been helping me with trying to figure out how to act like a high-tier. How have you been?" He tried to keep his voice steady. Any slip up and he would have to deal with the consequences through his counselor.

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