A Night To Remember

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It took a day to drive John insane. It's closing in on 2 months of living with Narisa, and John is about to go off the edge.

He had been holding off. The threat of having to deal with the authorities had held him like a wall. Even thinking about the fact that if he takes one step out of line, thinking about having to face Keon. It made him shiver. That man brought John to his lowest. He took an egotistical brat with a wall that towered and bulldozed everything. Every single day, John had to suffer through hours upon hours of horrendous and traumatizing memories. Over and over. And when it finally ended, the ravenette was traumatized, terrified of his own ability, and terrified of himself. He was at the bottom of a pit with no way out.

And then his dad dropped a rope down the pit. A rope with a book attached to it. John looked at it, looked at his supportive smile, looked at the inspiring book, the long rope, and he started to climb. Climb and climb and climb. Never stopping for anything. Not even the rough and painful cord could stop him. And he was so close. Almost to the top. He felt better. He wasn't having anxiety attacks. The memories of obliterating his friends stopped terrorizing him. Only a few more feet to go.

Only for a discriminatory asshole to tell him that his incredible, amazing, supportive dad, was "unfit" for parenting. And the only proof they had was his 1.0 power level.

John finally turned the water off as he grabbed his towel with his pruney hands. How long had he spent in the shower? He sighed and started to get dressed for the day. The teen slowly put on the same annoyingly fancy clothes he always did and then sat down at his desk and got to work. The assignments were always similar to each other, just more difficult as time went on. It was always the same writing essays and sheets full of math questions. And the tutoring he got did help. It didn't make John hate it any less though. Still he didn't want to get in trouble for slacking, so he grabbed his pencil and began bullshiting the essay.

Time slowly ticked away as John got closer to completing his work. It was a Saturday so he didn't have any extra lessons. It was just his homework. He could deal with his baggage today and when Monday rolled around, he could plaster on a smile and deal with his tutor. Or at least that's what he assumed.

Doubt started to settle in when Narisa waltzed through the door. He had turned to stare at her with confusion. His hope for a calm day dwindled.

Why is she here? Narisa barely ever talked to him and it was always when he did something wrong. Though even then she never entered his room. She always called him down to the living room. So why did she break that? Why does it feel like the invisible barrier that John had put up around his room had shattered?

What did I do?

"John, I've heard you've been doing well." Her words interrupted his thoughts and she started to walk toward him. "I'm glad. I was worried you wouldn't be able to reach my expectations so quickly when you had to learn from such a failure of a parent for so long."

It took everything to stop himself from rising out of his chair. How dare she insult his father when she can't even talk to him without belittling his every move. John glanced at the paper he was working on and closed his eyes. "Thank you." He hesitated for a second. "Ma'am"

She finally reached his desk and he felt her stop right behind him. Hands quickly found their way to his shoulders as he felt her presence loom over him. Any thought he had of rebelling was squashed. "There's no need to thank me, John. You've improved so much in the few months you've been here. Actually, I have a request to ask of you."

He suddenly felt a cold hand run through his hair. John had to force himself to not shiver. "Oh?" He was going to lose it.

"I am having a few of my coworkers over for dinner and usually I would have my daughter come down and help represent our household. Since you have been so good though, I wanted you to be there tonight." She started playing with his hair. Twisting his black curls and messing up his already disastrous hair.

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