Chapter 23

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After talking about what happened during that time, I know he needs time to process everything. I hate having to tell him any of it, but it is the only way to complete the bond. I can feel the remnants of the bond sitting just below the surface, just waiting for the opportunity to complete itself. Every time we are around each other the bond reached for the other and I just want it complete. I push it to the back of my mind knowing I have work to do. I need to build connections in each house. If I can keep more people from joining either Voldemort or Dumbledore it would make things easier in the long run. Ravenclaw admires knowledge and I have collected an array of obscure knowledge to build most of Ravenclaws trust. The offer to help other students in their studies without requiring anything in return also helps. Hufflepuff admires loyalty and hard work. They will be the easiest to get on my side, but I don't underestimate them. They can be fierce when need be. Gryffindor admires bravery and would be my hardest house because I have ties to Slytherin, but I figure if I play it right, I can make it work. Slytherin while accepting of me, most will always do what was best for them. I need to prove I am powerful enough to lead. My last name and the support of both the Lestrange brothers and Bellatrix helps. I need to cut off the misinformation Dumbledore is spreading around the school. This is a huge task but if I did this right, I could have the school turning against him.


By the time I make it back to Slytherin I have actually made some pretty good friends in all the houses. Thankfully while I switched houses every week my schedule didn't change so I had Rabastan in almost every class, allowing us to still see each other. Like predicted Gryffindor was the hardest but I was able to hook up with the Prewett twins and help with some pranks. Their acceptance of me seemed to go a long way in the rest of the house accepting me. While Rabastan still laughs and jokes with his friends, I can see the tension every time Antonin is near me. He finally admitted to Rodolphus knowing about the memories. While I wanted to be upset, I knew it was unrealistic to expect him to handle this alone. I had Harry while going through everything and he needed someone too.


We sit in the common room waiting for Carina to arrive. I hate not having her in my house for weeks, but I know she can take care of herself if need be. When she walks in, I smile and pull her in my lap as my body finally relaxes. I am constantly on edge when she isn't around.

"Finally, back where you should be." I tell her smirking.

"You see me every day." She laughs.

"Not the same." I shrug. When Antonin comes over, I can't help how my body tenses. I didn't want to see my brother's best friend as a threat, and I even know that without the compulsions he never would have done it, but I can't help it. Carina looks at me, but I just shrug. She sighs and motions for us to go to the dorms.

When we walk into my room, she gives me a small smile and pats the bed beside her.

"I didn't tell you to ruin your friendship." She says and I sigh.

"I'm trying, but you can't expect me to be ok with this. I hate it every time he is anywhere near you."

"Would it help if I explain why I can forgive him. I know you think I am far too forgiving, but I have a reason for everyone I wish to save. The whole straight up hero complex was Harry." She says chuckling.

"Yeah, because all I can think of is you went with us knowing he was there." I would take anything at this point. I hated not knowing why she did things.

"Ok, back when Luna was still alive, I was helping her hunt down special potion ingredients while Harry and Neville set up camp. Luna was part seer, but she was never taught to use her gift properly, so she came up with her own way. It took a while for us to start understanding, but we eventually got it down. Anyways, we ended up having to go farther from the camp then we should have. We got attacked by a group that still supported Voldemort. It was ten to two. I was hit from behind with a body bind and I laid there having no way to help as they surrounded her. She never lost her smile. She called out that the wrackspurts would help. That was her code that she had seen something. I wanted to feel better, but they quickly overpowered her. The things they said they had planned for her still haunt me. Just when I thought help wouldn't get there fast enough, spells came out of nowhere. Luna being Luna just set down. She told me later that she knew if she sat down, she would be safe. By the time the fighting stopped all 10 were dead. It was Antonin who came out of the woods. At first, I panicked. I knew there was no way Luna could fight him off. I inwardly screamed at Luna as she stood and walked over to him. She told him it was good to see his mind free of the nargles. To his credit he just said thank you before reversing the body bind. Once I was free, I pulled Luna behind me still not trusting it. He told me he was so sorry for the things that had happened. That he prayed we survived this. That he spent everyday hunting down those who actually wanted to do those things. He ended up helping us find the ingredients we needed. After that, we saw him and both you and your brother around, we never bothered each other but it became an unspoken rule that if any of us saw the others fighting, we helped out. He saved my life more than once." I sit there trying to come to terms with what she said. It still didn't feel real, the war, the ending of it all.

"So, you save those who proved to be decent at heart." I couldn't say good, not all of us were truly good.

"Exactly, I don't mind the torment of Umbridge because she is just a horrible person. Antonin isn't a bad guy; you aren't a bad guy. Like I said, war brings out the worst in people. He won't become that this time. Can you honestly see him doing something like that while he has control over his actions?" She asks.

"No, I can't." I admit. Antonin might be ruthless but never like that.

"Then don't condemn him for actions that he has no idea ever happened. Just like Bella, he can't change what he did in my time, but he also will never become that person."

"Why do you have to make so much sense." I groan causing her to laugh. I loved seeing her so happy and relaxed. When she looks up at me, I can't help leaning forward. The moment our lips meet she relaxes into me, and I groan at the feel of her. I pull her into my lap needing more of her and she wraps her arms around my neck. We only break apart when we need to breathe. She rests her forehead on mine as she stares into my eyes. I can feel the bond pulling at me. It wanted to be complete just as much as I wanted it to be. There is a knock at the door, and she laughs again as I growl. I am ready to kill whoever interrupted us.

"Hey Rab, Slughorn just walked in." Rodolphus says and I just shake my head. Of course, the one person I would have to leave my room for.

When we walk out, Slughorn tells Carina that Dumbledore wishes to speak with her. If I could go with her I would. I didn't want her alone with him. She whispers she will be fine before following him out.

"Damn Rab, you look pissed." Antonin says when I take a seat with the group.

"Just don't like her alone with Dumbledore. He is pushing for the Winters line to go light."

"That isn't happening. Shit Lord Winters and Lord Black talk all the time. No way he would support him." Bella says rolling her eyes.

"It is weird he would call her to the office. I mean she has no say in who her godfather is in alliance with." Rodolphus points out. All I can do is nod and wait for her to come back.


I sit in the headmaster's office as I wait for Dumbledore to begin speaking. He had offered me a lemon drop but I knew they were laced with mild truth serum and declined. We needed to speed this meeting along, my magic was already beginning to rise just being alone with him.

"I wanted to see how everything was going. I can imagine switching houses is difficult. I wanted to offer the chance for you to pick just one house. I saw you growing closer to the Prewett twins." He says smiling.

"I am doing well. I actually enjoy switching and it wouldn't be fair if I chose just one. The hat felt I should be in all of them, and I want to respect that." I say smiling.

"That is your choice, now I see that you have gotten close with the Lestrange brothers and their group of friends. I am concerned for your safety. Dark times are upon us, and it would be a travesty if someone of your potential was led astray."

"Bellatrix is my cousin and Rabastan is my bonded. Of course, I am close with them, but I do not allow that to stop me from making friends outside of them. I am perfectly safe with my group. Rabastan can't hurt me if he wanted to, and the family magic would alert Lord Black the moment Bellatrix attempted to severely hurt me. I have heard no such thing of dark times, but I can assure you that if something comes up, I will be standing with my family's alliance." I say quickly losing my patience. He knew all this, and it is an insult to even suggest Rabastan would hurt me.

"How about you write your godfather to set up a meeting and we can talk more about this." He says but I notice the twinkle is gone.

"Headmaster, with all due respect, it is not my place to set up such meetings. It would look improper that I tried to influence my godfather's decisions."

"Very well, I would also like you to come to the minister's winter ball. As the first in your house, it would be good for people to see you." He says his twinkle returning. Oh, that was good, I can't deny but I refuse for him to make it seem as if I follow him.

"I would be honored headmaster. Is that all, I still have homework to finish." I say and he nods, dismissing me.

The moment I get back to the Slytherin common room I write Lord Black to explain. We might be able to use this as an advantage. 

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