Chapter 6

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I give the family a little while to settle before starting my third year. I knew this one would be hard on them.

"Continue." Arcturus tells me and I nod.

"Halfway through summer Sirius escapes Azkaban and everyone believes he plans to kill Harry. Narcissa sat me down and explained everything to me. Up until that point I thought I was a Malfoy."

"How did he escape?" Orion asks.

"Come to find out dementors don't check for animals. Sirius, James, and Peter became animaguses back in their fourth year at Hogwarts." I smile as the room again becomes shocked.

"Wait what about Remus?" Dorea asks.

"It was because of Remus they went through with it. See Remus is bitten at 4. Werewolves only attack humans and by the time they went through the change Remus's wolf saw all the boys as pack."

"He should have never been allowed to go to Hogwarts." Pollux glares.

"Remus was the sweetest person I ever met. He had enough self-loathing due to his issue. It is a disease that makes great witches and wizards lose their mind once a month. The issue is they have nowhere to be safe not that they go hunting for people. Yes, there are true animals out there like Greyback who got off on attacking kids but do not condemn the whole for the misdoings of a few. They have it hard enough." I say holding his gaze. This was something I refused to back down on. He holds my gaze and I feel the tension rise in the room.

"Ok we are just going to calm down. You can debate the standing of werewolves after." Cassiopeia says nudging Pollux.

"Moving on, I end up going to the Weasley home for the last of summer to be with Harry. His magic had flared, and he ended up turning his uncle's sister into a human balloon. We head off to school only to have the train stopped by dementors. They attacked Harry and for once we had a decent defense teacher who stopped the attack."

"Why in the hell were their dementors on the train?" Dorea asks slightly pale.

"The ministry sent them to Hogwarts to look for Sirius figuring he was after Harry. Yeah, dementors and Harry suck. They attacked him during a quidditch game. After that our defense teacher decided to teach Harry the patronus charm and due to our bond also taught me. It took a little bit, but we got there." I say proud.

"I don't know why I am surprised anymore. Of course, at 13 you could create one." Alphard says and I laugh.

"What is yours?" Charlus asks.

"A dragon of course." I smirk. I was a Winters after all. "So, after a while Harry learns what Sirius was accused of and it ends up putting a stain on our relationship. In his eyes I was the daughter of the man who got his parents killed. It was actually our defense teacher again who stepped in and set us both down explaining how he shouldn't judge me based on something I couldn't change. He had accepted I was a Malfoy even though Draco tried to make his life hell at every turn. He also explained that I too had lost everything and at the end of the day we at least had each other."

"I am glad you had at least one adult that cared for you in that school." Walburga says.

"He was my absolute favorite. Harry had been given a map by the Weasley twins and come to find out it was created by Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter. They called it the marauders map and it showed everyone in Hogwarts in real time."

"Reckless and smart, sounds about right for Gryffindor." Alphard laughs.

"It is truly a work of genius. Well Harry saw a name on there who was believed to be dead. Our defense teacher took the map claiming he was putting himself in danger if Sirius found out. See it didn't click then but the map only revealed its contents if you have a specific password."

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