Chapter 5

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If you had told me two days ago, I would be hanging out with Bellatrix and actually enjoying my time I would have laughed but she honestly isn't bad, at least for now. It made me wonder what happened to have her change so much. Narcissa is so similar to how she was, if not a little immature. I hadn't spent much time with Andromeda in my timeline, but she was very much like her daughter. Sirius is a wild child and I smile. He never quite grows out of it. Regulus is the only one who hasn't spoken to me, choosing to watch instead on engaging. After a while the adults come into the room and Arcturus calls me over as the family prepares to leave.

"We will be meeting tomorrow under the guise of figuring out your schooling and a few other things." He tells me.

"That works. I will warn you that it becomes even harder after this. I just want you to be prepared in case anyone blows up." I warn, I didn't need anyone attacking someone or me.

"I will have the wards set up to prevent attacking each other." He says and I am dismissed to follow Walburga through the floo. Orion took the boys allowing us time to talk. I follow her through the house and marvel at the drastic change in the house. Last time I was here it looked to be barely standing. I had worried I would be stuck in the same dark dreary house but right now the house feels warm and inviting. The dark magic that once stifled anyone inside is far less dark. She stops at a door and opens it to reveal a beautiful room.

"If you need anything Kreature will be able to help you. Sirius is next to you with Regulus beside him." She explains.

"Ok, I think I am going to lay down for a little while. It has definitely been an interesting day."

"I can imagine, if you need someone to speak, I am here." I wait for her to leave and sit down on the bed. Now that I am alone and have a chance for everything to truly hit me, I don't know what to do. The horcruxes wouldn't be in the same places as they were in my time. I also didn't have the movements on his army for this time. I had spent so long planning to go back but I never prepared to go back this far. I am thankful that they believe me but now I don't know what will happen. Once Voldemort is destroyed, I would need to figure out what I planned to do with my life. A knock on my door brings me out of my musing and I call out for them to enter. I smile as I see Sirius and Regulus peak their head around the door.

"Would you two like to come in?" I ask them. It was so weird seeing my father so young.

"Are you really staying?" Sirius asks jumping on my bed.

"She can't, the bad man." Regulus whispers not looking at me. I slip off the bed and bend down to his level.

"Can you tell me about this bad man? I might be able to help." I tell him. He looks at Sirius and Sirius jumps down to stand beside him.

"It's ok Reggie, she isn't working with the bad man." Sirius tells him.

"The bad man came and visited last week. He slipped something in daddy's drink, but no one would believe me." He admits.

"Daddy has been acting weird since he started showing up." Sirius tries to explain. "You beat Bella, do you think you can help?"

"I will see what I can do. Can I ask how you know he was a bad man?" I ask.

"Reggie here can feel his magic." Sirius says clearly proud. It takes everything in me not to react.

"Can you feel my magic?" I ask.

"Yes, you feel safe. Daddy felt safe until he started spending time with the bad man and mommy feels safe." Regulus explains still not meeting my eyes.

"Do you know why you feel magic?"

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