Chapter Fifty-Five

Start from the beginning

Regulus has heard that name so much at this point he feels as though it's burned into his brain. Every time it's said he gets a bitter taste in his mouth. But now, as he turns to the boy in front of him, their eyes meet for the first time.

And Regulus's heart hiccups in his chest.

Everything going quiet.

He's sure it's dislike that's making all the softest parts of him flutter.

Sure it's bitterness fizzling in his stomach.

Sure it's annoyance that makes his hand shake when he extends it to the older boy for no reason he can think of.

"Hello," he says to James Potter, who looks down at him with a bemused smile.

"Hi," he half-laughs as he shakes Regulus's hand. Regulus doesn't understand what's funny, but it's not...unusual, for him to get things wrong in moments like this. He's never had Sirius's talent for charming people.

James's handshake is solid without being overbearing. His palm warm when it presses against Regulus's. And his heart does it again.




"Relax Reg, it's not a dinner party, no need to be so formal," Sirius is saying as James Potter pulls away and they all squish into their seats.

The scarred boy is next to Regulus, his face in a book, the other blond one organizing his cards into meticulous piles. Sirius and James immediately fall into easy conversation. Talking too quickly and using too many inside jokes for Regulus to follow.

James Potter doesn't look at him again.

And Regulus hates him.

Hates him.

Hates him.

He flexes the hand he shook. Like he can still feel James's touch.

Hates him.

Hates him.

Hates him.

September 1975

It's embarrassing enough that Regulus has ended up in this situation—pinned to a wall by Nicolai fucking Mulciber, a boy who couldn't think his way out of a paper bag. But it's made even more mortifying when James Potter walks around the corner. Regulus doesn't know what he's done to piss the universe off, but he wishes it would cut him some slack every once and a while.

Not that Potter even looks at him of course—he never does really. The most irritating thing about that, is that Regulus is pretty sure it isn't on purpose. Regulus simply doesn't register for James Potter. At least not until he does something Potter deems worthy of moral condemnation. He is not sparing with his righteousness.

"Got a hot date with the Giant Squid Snivellus?"

Potter has barely spoken before Mulciber jolts back, letting go of Regulus as he falls to the ground, enchanted ropes wrapping around his arms and legs. Potter looks insufferably smug about it, but then, he rarely looks anything else.

"Fucking Potter—"


Regulus watches the ensuing chaos with mild interest. Irritated with himself for being impressed by Potter's ability to take on three opponents at once. Thinking anything positive about Potter always feels like the deepest betrayal of himself. But then, he's never been a particularly loyal person.

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