Chapter Fifty

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James, Peter and Sirius sit squashed together on a floral patterned sofa with lace pillows—one of which, is currently being cuddled by Peter. The living room they're in is overcrowded, with people, yes, but also with stuff. And James really does mean stuff. Boxes and newspapers and old takeaway menus.


And cats.

How could he forget the cats.

There are at least three that he's seen walking around, all of whom seem to be in love with Sirius for reasons he can't fathom. The rest are staring out at them from their portraits which are hung up throughout the house. On top of all that, the whole place smells a bit like boiled cabbage.

"The following information has been kept from most of you for the past few months in the interest of your safety."
Dumbledore's words instantly ignite a wave of murmuring across the room. None of the three boys on the sofa react, all well aware of what is coming. Though Peter does fidget ever so slightly, clutching his pillow a little closer to his chest.

"It has come to light that there is someone amongst us who has been passing information to Lord Voldemort."

"What?" says a panicked voice at the back of the room, the murmurs escalating to more of a frantic buzz.

"I know this will be a shock to many of you. We were hoping to use this information to our advantage, to allow the individual in question to believe nothing was suspected, leading them to act more carelessly. However, as time has passed and no one has been found out, it has become more and more pertinent for all of you to be on your guard. To take seriously our requests that all knowledge of missions and tasks performed for the Order remain only between those actively involved in them."

James doesn't miss the guilty looks bouncing around the room. None of them have done a particularly good job of keeping information from each other. Except maybe Moony. James shoots a cautious look at Sirius but he seems to be focusing the entirety of his attention on the black cat purring next to him.

"Alastor will brief you on what behaviour to watch out for in the people around you. If you notice anything, I implore you to bring it to the attention of myself or the Head Auror."

Moody groans, rising out of his seat to address the Order members able to attend the meeting today. Remus isn't there, off doing god knows what. Sirius is positive he's trying to get the werewolves to join their side but James isn't entirely convinced. Alice and Frank are both back at the Ministry—the security measures there have been increased astronomically. And Lily and Marlene are on a mission, though, of course, they weren't able to tell anyone where they were going or why.

Before she left James had suggested that Lily should perhaps stop taking Order missions now that she's literally growing a baby. That suggestion did not go over well, though he still feels like he sort of has a point.

"...someone who is frequently unreachable," Moody is babbling on, James barely paying attention. "Whose behaviour in the past few months has altered, who's started disappearing without explanation, or anyone to corroborate where they were or what they were doing. Often times this sort of double life starts to take a toll physically—if someone seems more ill than normal, weaker, less social. Like they're trying to distance themselves. If they start expressing guilt for unknown reasons. These are all warning signs, things to look out for, and if you notice more than one of them in a single individual please come to see me in my office, do not," Moody narrows his eyes, "I repeat, DO NOT send an owl, the post is unreliable and too easily intercepted."

"Yes, thank you Alastor," Dumbledore says, the faintest hint of amusement in the corner of his eyes.

The room around them has gone dead silent, perhaps the quietest James has ever heard an Order meeting before. Everyone, no doubt, running through a list of all their closest friends, trying to figure out if any of them match the description Moody has just given.

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