Chapter Thirty

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James is pacing. It's the night before Christmas break and he's peeled himself away from the revelries in the Gryffindor common room. They decided to throw a full-on party this year and James tried to enjoy himself but...he couldn't shake the feeling that something was crawling under his skin, making him itch, making his fingers drum and his feet tap. An impatient energy that wouldn't be still.

He can't stop thinking about last Christmas. Can't stop thinking about the way Regulus fell apart when he came back. And he knows it's stupid, because the summer was longer and while Regulus was a little more distant when he came back he was still in one piece. Nothing like the winter. But he'd been in Scotland then and somehow that was different. Different than being trapped in that fucking house. James swears Grimmauld Place is cursed and the idea that tomorrow Regulus will be going back there—it makes him sick.

The door opens and James stops his pacing, Regulus pausing as soon as their eyes meet.

"Oh," he says, a little startled. "I didn't think you'd be here yet."

James tries to get his nerves under control, tries to make sure his voice comes out casual. "I can leave and come back if you want."


"You seem disappointed."

He rolls his eyes. "James."

"I'm just saying, I'm perfectly fine to do a lap around the castle if you need to prepare yourself to be in my presence."

"Oh Jesus Christ—I just thought I would have time to wrap this you absolute terror."

James feels his brows draw together. "Time to—" he realizes that Regulus is holding something behind his back. He has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep his smile from getting too big. "Did you get me a present?"

Regulus gives him a flat look. "Don't make this into a big thing."

Oh, James is definitely going to make this into a big thing.

"That's adorable."

"Fuck you."

"Oh my god you were going to wrap it and everything!" James is practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Did you get me a bow?"

"I honestly hate you so much."

"Nah, I don't think so. You don't get Christmas gifts for people you hate," James's joy in teasing Regulus is momentarily derailed by a new distressing thought. "Oh shit, I didn't get you anything."

"It's fine, I didn't really expect you to."

Which James knows he says to make him feel better but it actually makes him feel worse, because shouldn't he have? I mean, shouldn't Regulus have expected his boyfriend of more than a year to get him a gift? Hold on—boyfriend? Was James his boyfriend? That seemed right. That was probably right wasn't it?

"James," Regulus says, pulling him out of his thoughts. "It's just a Christmas gift, please stop freaking out about this."

"I'm not freaking out," James says automatically, and then; "I'll give you yours after the break."

Regulus rolls his eyes. "You really don't—"

But James holds up his hand. "It's going to be incredible, a hundred percent worth the wait."

"You're ridiculous," Regulus shakes his head.

"True, now," James rubs his hands together. "What'd you get me?"

There's just the smallest moment of hesitation, Regulus biting down on his lower lip like maybe he's going to try and take it back. But then he holds out his hand. There's a wooden box in his palm, a little bit wider and taller than a ring box.

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