Chapter Thirteen

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Classes are still cancelled the next day. Some students don't come back from their calls with their parents, and even though the names of the victims haven't been released, everyone knows what that means.

"Moony, I swear to God—get back in bed," Sirius stands at the door, arms crossed over his chest as he stares down a haggard looking Remus.

"I'm just going to get breakfast."

"We'll get you breakfast you loon. You look like shite, get back in bed."

In a turn of events that surprised no one, Remus had actually been rather downplaying how bad he was feeling yesterday and proceeded to spend much of the night, and morning, being sick.

"Moons, he's got a point," James finishes tying his trainers and stands up. "There's no class, no assignments due, give yourself a break for once, yeah?"

Remus shoots him a sharp look. "Et tu, Brute?"

He says it with such conviction that James can't help laughing. "Jesus, you're really out for blood today, huh?"

Remus only grumbles, turning his glare back on Sirius.

"I'm not moving," Sirius leans back against the door, one leg crossing over the other. "Not until you get in that bloody bed, now go on."

It is a face off for the ages, two of the most stubborn people James knows going head to head. Neither of them wavering—he's not even sure they blink.

"Okay, but guys, I'm hungry," Peter says, looking longingly at the door. James's stomach grumbles in agreement.

This does not appear to matter to Sirius or Remus, both of whom maintain their positions like they're the Royal bleeding Guard.

Peter starts inching towards the door. "Maybe I could just sneak by?"

"Not happening Pettigrew," Sirius doesn't take his eyes off of Remus. "No one gets to leave until Moony gets back in bed."

"Trying to turn the room against me?"

Sirius grins, flashing his teeth. "They're already against you my friend."

"Lie down and put us out of our misery Moons," James calls out, which earns him a very rude hand gesture from Remus.

"My goodness," he clutches his chest dramatically. "Hardly appropriate behaviour for a prefect."

Remus crosses his arms over his chest, seemingly doubling down on his position. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you, I'm not an invalid."

"We know," Sirius says. "But you've got a fever and you can't go five minutes without being sick, ergo, bed."

"He does make a compelling argument."

"Shut up James," Remus snaps.

James rolls his eyes, holding his hands up in surrender, leading to several moments of tense silence.

"Moony," Sirius says eventually, ducking his head in a move that James has seen him pull many times, just never with one of them. He stares up through his lashes, all bashful and pouty. Girls fall all over themselves for that look. "For me?" Sirius goes on. "Please?"

Personally, James thinks this is the weakest of his arguments, but apparently Remus disagrees.

He exhales, hands scrubbing at his face before he eventually allows himself to look at Sirius again. "Fine. FINE. I'll stay."

Sirius beams, practically bouncing around him to pull back the covers on his bed.

Remus arches his brow. "Eager much?"

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