Chapter Twenty-Eight

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He's not sure if it makes him feel better or worse that when the doors to the Headmaster's office open, Regulus finds himself faced with Snape, Mulciber and Avery. Better, he decides, even though his steps falter for half a heartbeat. If he's going to be royal fucked over he fully intends to take them all down with him.

"Mr. Black," Dumbledore is standing with his back to Regulus, feeding something that might be fish to a rather intimidating looking phoenix. "I'm glad you could join us," as though he had a choice. "Please, take a seat."

He doesn't speak, taking the only free chair available in front of the headmaster's desk. He can feel the other three boys watching him the whole time, but he doesn't look back until he's seated, and even then only briefly. Only long enough to catch the smug look on Snape's face.

This is not going to be going well for him then.

"I expect your aware that Mary Macdonald was attacked a week ago?" Dumbledore finally turns around, face soft, almost smiling. Regulus has never particularly liked holding his gaze.

He nods and then, when it feels like Dumbledore is waiting for more; "Yes sir, I'm aware."

"Ms. Macdonald believes that these three boys were the ones to attack her," he waves almost casually at the group of Slytherins beside Regulus. "But they claim to have been in their dorm room and alas, their spell histories do not appear to match Mary's testimony."

It is work for Regulus not to react to that, because there is no way that Barty cast all those Imperius's. He doubts Mulciber or Avery have the capability for that kind of advance magic so it must of been Snape. Which means that he either wiped his wand or Barty was stupid enough to let him cast using his. Which Regulus is loathed to admit, is a possibility.

"It is our belief," Dumbledore goes on. "That Mary Macdonald has had her memory tampered with."

Once again, Regulus suppresses his reaction. Staring blankly back at Dumbledore, waiting for more. But no more comes. The room is submerged in silence, the only noise that of Avery fidgeting in the seat next to him.

Eventually Regulus clears his throat. "I'm sorry professor, but what does this have to do with me?"

Dumbledore smiles mildly at him. "Mr. Snape claims that you were rather upset about the way that Mary Macdonald spoke to your friend in the corridor that day. That he saw you hovering around the Gryffindor common room after supper."

Regulus resists the urge to roll his eyes. "I see," he says coldly, the kind expression remaining on Dumbledore's face.

"Your roommates claim you were out that evening, though they couldn't tell me where."


That isn't good.

He knows they probably thought they were doing him a favour, keeping him away from the scene of the crime. Not realizing they were robbing him of an alibi. Not realizing that he needed one.

"So tell me, Mr. Black, where were you, the night of Mary Macdonald's attack?"

Regulus almost laughs.

He can't tell him of course, doesn't trust him, certainly doesn't trust Avery or Mulciber or Snape. Snape who somehow knew that Regulus wouldn't be able to answer this question, which makes something uneasy crawl into the pit of his stomach.

He can't tell them that he'd spent that night cuddling Jame bloody Potter.

"I was in the astronomy tower," he hears himself say. Avery snorts.

"The astronomy tower?" Dumbledore repeats, eyebrow raised. "Any reason in particular?"

Regulus grits his teeth. "Stargazing."

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