Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

He's dead.

He's dead.

He's dead.

Regulus knows that. Knew it the moment it happened. Saw the empty look in his friend's eyes. But he still...can't quite...grasp what it means.

It's not until Cerci is shoving him into a leather booth after Barty that Regulus realizes they've ended up at the Leaky Cauldron. It's empty mostly, people don't go out much these days, it's not safe.

Because of you, hisses the voice in his head.

He smothers it the best he can. He can only handle so much guilt at once.

"What can I get you folks?"

Regulus blinks up at the overly chipper witch who has just arrived at their table. She smiles at them, pad of paper and QuickQuotes Quill floating beside her head.

"Whisky," Barty says, voice flat. He's leaning back against the booth, expression as blank as his tone, "lots of it."

The waitress's smile slips, replaced by confusion—she looks like she's trying to figure out whether or not to take him seriously.

"Just bring us the bottle," Regulus says, satisfied when he sees the quill finally move.

"Also a pitcher of water please," Cerci cuts in. "And three burgers with chips."

When the waitress turns towards her, her face lights up. "Oh my god, Cerci! I didn't even see you there, how are you?"

Cerci's face goes red instantly. "I'm—I'm good—great—well," she looks quickly at Barty and Regulus and then back at the waitress. "Not great, obviously—just came from a funeral, so, bit sad actually, but also, also...great right now, well, here, cause chips or...stuff," all of that comes out more or less on the strength of a single breath, leaving Cerci looking rather deflated at the end of it, and panting ever so slightly.

"Oh," the waitress clearly does not know what to do with any of that. "Well I'm sorry to hear about the funeral..." there is a very awkward pause. "I'll just go get your order shall I? Bottle of whisky, water and three burgers, coming right up," she offers them a slightly less confident smile than the one she was originally wearing, quickly turning away, clearly glad to escape their table.

"Come here often?" Barty asks flatly.

Cerci rolls her eyes. "It's the Leaky, everyone comes here often."

Which Regulus doesn't think is exactly true—none of the waitresses know his name—but he's not about to bring that up.

Cerci is staring into the restaurant with an almost longing look on her face, teeth worrying her bottom lip. "I hope she doesn't forget the chips. Do you think she will? She didn't mention them at the end but maybe she was just shortening "burgers and chips" to "burgers", y'know? To save time?" she looks across the table at Regulus. "What do you think?"

Regulus blinks back at her. "I think it's probably fine."

Cerci nods but doesn't look at all convinced, nails tapping on the tabletop. "You know what?" she declares after a few seconds. "I'm just going to go check—can't have a burger without chips."

"Apparently," Regulus watches her get up and head towards the bar. In her absence a more obvious silence settles around him and Barty. It's thick and stagnant and uncomfortable.

"It doesn't work without him does it?" Barty asks, not looking at Regulus when he speaks but staring vaguely off into the distance.

"What doesn't work?" Regulus asks, even though, of course, he knows.

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