Alex:*How about that herb gathering quest, the herb is demonic in nature so we should be able to sense it and while traveling here I noticed a faint demonic presence, to faint for a beast. And the warning about negative effects we can just ignore as the plants effect doesn't do anything against demons*

Me:*Good idea*

I go to the reception wich is empty of adventures

Me:"I want to apply for the Leitz herb gathering quest"

(A holepuncher from Leitz)

Receptionist:"Please show me your Adventures card"

I show her

Receptionist:"So you can do it as a beginner but I would advise against it because of the effects  the plant has"

Me:"I have a resistance against such effects, but as I know this only for a small amount of time and the card is a bit older It's not on the card"

Receptionist:"I'll get a non harmfull herb to confirm this"

She leaves and comes back with a small liquid scoop and a glass with a watery purple liquid

Receptionist:"It will only itch for a few seconds, if red bumps appera then the resistance is not high enough"

She applies a few drops to my hand, it ithces for a second then stops. No red bumps appear

Receptionist:"Okay, I still advise against touching them directly, and inhaling the air around them for a longer period of time and advise for you to put them in a sealed container"

Receptionist:"The herb is growing around the town in small hidden patches"

Me:"Okay, thank you"

I leave and head for the gate opposite I entered through, after where far enough from the town I head of the road

Me:*So in wich direction is the demonic energy the most concentrated?*

Alex:*I sense no demonic beasts nearby, and you figure out in wich direction to head to better your control of your new senses*

Me:*I can sense bigger concentrations like a beast but small ones elude me*

AleX:*Block out every sensation, sound sight, touch, smell and taste. Block them out and focus on the feeling wich is demonic energy*

Me:*The first part I understand, but the last one does not make sense*

Alex:*I can't help you with that one, it's unuque for everyone and I'm unable to describe how it feels. Ah, try to remember the feeling when you sensed the demonic Wolf and focus on that*

I close my eyes, breath slowly and quietly through my mouth to prevent air circulation in my nose to prevent smell and to not make much noise. I put the backpack I have down and try to remember the feeling from the encounter with the Wolf, then I try to grab it mentaly. The best way to describ the next part is that it was dark, then colour slowly and blurrily appeared but I still had my eyes closed. After some time I could make out outlines and rough details clearly but the colours were wrong, I realise after looking at a mana rich herb that's glowing more brightly than others that I'm sensing mana. My brain translates what it is gathering into something sensible and creates this pseudo sight. I focus and am able to sharpen the details I can sense, I notice dark mana, demonic mana

Me:*Alex it is in that direction*

I walk to the Herb patch I sensed, it's the biggest around the town and also has the best ones

Alex:*I think that you being in your own body gave you and advantage as I did not sense this one. It is on the other side of the town, the holy mana from the local church interfeered with anything from that direction*

Me:*I trained with my uncle and he showed me on how to block out mana, I was able to sense mana before but not to this accuracy and intensity. I used my previous knowledge and combined it with my new senses*

Alex:*And that is why I'm not qualified to teach you anything beyond the way on how to use your new abilities, I can instinctually use them and help you do the same but that's it. Hell you now more basic magic knowledge than me as in my world magic didn't exist, but we liked to imagine how it is if it would*

I notice that I was in the mana sense focus for far longer that I felt as it's slwoly getting darker

Me:*Shit we aren't getting into safety before it's getting dark*

Alex:*Remenber on why you are standing here and not dead or captured*


I start running at inhuman speed for the gate I entered the town through

Guard:"Hey what are you doing here again?"

Me:"I picked up a quest and circled the town, I didn't notice that I went so far and that it's getting dark"

Guard:"Oh, come on through"

I enter and head for the guild

Receptionist:"Welcome back"


I hand her a bag with the herb wich she opens after putting on gloves and somekind of face mask

Receptionist:"I'll give them to my assistant and he'll tell me the quality in a few minutes"


She heads of into a backroom wihle I look at the quest board, there's a quest for gathering various monster parts and herbs wich are to be handed over in the closest bigger town. It's a town build by a big river wich is used for transportation, wich I could use to to cut out a huge part of the journey, the only problem is that it's for Aprentice level adventurers. If I could advance to rookie and find a party then I can circumvent that as if you have a party of the same or higher rank as the mission requires than one member can be one rank below

Receptionist:"The herbs wich you brought back are very high quality, they could get you into the rookie rank if you pass the advancement test"

Me:"When is the test?"

Receptionist:"It's going to be the day after tommorow and here's your reward"

Me:"My uncle taugh me on how to differentiate between different quality in plants"

Receptionist:"Then he must have been a good plantologist"

Me:"Thank you and have a nice day"

Receptionist:"You too"

I leave and go to an Inn and rent a room

Alex:*Can I use your body this night again to make it more automatic to move normaly?*

Me:*No problem, just not to long*

Alex:*Thanks, goodnight big sis*


To be continued.................................

Reincarnated as a demonic Scythe, Alternate title: The story of the four SistersWhere stories live. Discover now