Chapter one

500 11 2

Elizabeth Pov

I'm running through the forest aimlessly, just trying to escape the mercenarys that are hunting me. I see a mountain and turn a bit so I'll by It's side. I notice an entrance marked with two pillars

I can't run more than a few minutes as I don't have any stamina anymore, so I hope I can lose them in there and run right in without looking around

It looks like somekind of temple for a god, there are no doors and there is only the prayer room so hiding is not an option. I lean against a wall with a painting to rest a bit, suddenly I hear stone moving, a hidden passage opens. I run straight through without thinking, it closes after me

I sit down on the ground and calm my breathing, then I hear talking

Mercenary1:"Where is she, are you sure she went inside here?!"

M2:"Yes the tracking compass showed that she went in here, now it says she's in the same structure as us. Remember it becomes very inaccurate in structures!"

M3:"But there are no other rooms here"

M1:"No other "visible" rooms"

I jump up and prepare an Ice spell, it's very weak as I used almost all of my mana already while running from them

The wall gets struck and caves in, I throw the spell at them but it does nothing

M2:"What was that supposed to be?"

M1 is a man in a black cloak and a dagger, M2 is a large muscular man with a big warhammer and M3 is man with a Magic staff

M1:"Come with us with no resistance and we don't need to do bad things to you"


M3:"So be it"

He throws a spell at me, I evade it and throw my last weapon at M2, the dagger my uncle gifted me

He doesn't try to evade, he expects it to bounce of a barrier casted by M3 and his armor. It pierces through the barrier ad by then it's to late for him to evade. It ignores his armor and pierces into him


He takes his hammer and hits me with it in the stomach, I get thrown to the end of the room. I can feel a lot of pain, I won't survive longer than maybe an hour now

Me:"So this it?"

???:"No, I can give you the power to survive this, to fight back"

The voice isn't heard by the Mercenarys who tend and berate the big one

Me:"What do want in exchange?"

???:"That you live"


???:"Then grab me from my pedestal to your left"

I look to my left and see a pedastal with a Scythe on it, I painfully move there and raise my arm so I can reach it


I grab it before they can move

???:"Now rest and let me take care of it"

My consciousness slips away

M1 Pov

After she grabbed it every move of hers stopped for a few seconds then she started standing up, completly ignoring her injuries

Reincarnated as a demonic Scythe, Alternate title: The story of the four SistersWhere stories live. Discover now