Bonus Chapter Pt 1.

Start from the beginning

Rengoku looked at Tanjiro's blushing cheeks and then waited a bit before standing behind him and hugged his waist from behind with one arm, the other holding Tanjiro's arm, preventing him from running.

Tanjiro was stunned. "Rengou-san?! What are yo-"

"Did you really want more than that my young kamado~?"

Tanjiro's cheeks flushed red.

"R-Rengoku-san! Control yourself!"

Rengoku then said in a husky voice "You didn't answer my question..."

Tanjiro turned even more red and then said, "O-Okay! I wanted more!"

Rengoku smiled and gently let him go. Tanjiro was flustered and when he looked at Rengoku, he had a smile on his face and gently kissed his head.

"I'll be waiting tonight at my estate for be sure to finish whatever you have to do today soon"

Tanjiro looked at him and saw Rengoku smile before walking away. Tanjiro sighed and walked back to the butterfly estate to train some more, although all he had on his mind was what Rengoku was planning to do to him.

Later that evening, after an eventful day of training and a quick mission, Tanjiro handed Zenitsu his box.

"Eh?! What do you mean you're not going to hang out with us? You just got discharged!"

Zenitsu's face had a frown and Inosuke fumed a bit.

"Monjiro! We're supposed to eat and sleep!"

"I know, I know...but I have plans to meet someone,"

Zenitsu could hear tanjiro's heart beat fast and instantly became suspicious. He narrowed his eyes and looked at tanjiro.

"You're not meeting some girl are you?

Tanjiro coughed and turned pink. "N-NO!"

He sighed and face palmed. "I'm just visiting someone and will be back later tonight, okay?"

After much talking with the two, Tanjiro bid goodbye and walked off to Rengoku's estate, late in the evening.

Rengoku-san...I wonder what he'll want us to do...

Tanjiro felt his cheeks go pink and he knew exactly what Rengoku wanted to do... especially to him.

After about 40 minutes of walking, Tanjiro reached the estate and then gently opened the door and walked into and looked at the building. He saw a training area and the symbol on the door was a flame, and the tile on the building was a dark red as well. He saw some flowers growing and walked around and saw a garden full of flowers, and was awed by the beauty. In the middle of some flowers, he saw Rengoku.

Rengoku was wearing a plain dark red yukata and his white haori, enjoying the nightly beauty of the stars. His face looked serene and calm, Tanjiro felt himself blush.


Rengoku turned and smiled. "Ah! Kamado! Hello! I'm glad you came! Let us go inside!"

Rengoku then walked over to Tanjiro, gently grabbed his hand, and started walking to the building. Tanjiro walked beside him, his face pink, and heart beating fast.

Once they got inside, Rengoku offered him a room to change into a more comfortable outfit, and gently closed the door, giving him his space, letting him know he would be in the living room area.

Tanjiro looked at the outfit. It was a simple plain dark green kimono. Tanjiro wasn't sure how to feel and then changed. After changing, he washed his face (With the bowl of water in the room) and sighed.

Is he...going to...?

Tanjiro felt flustered and almost ashamed. As he thought about it, his cheeks flushed red, as his thought on his mind was...doing it with Rengoku. He took a breath and got up, walked to the living room area and then sat in front of Rengoku. Rengoku smiled at him and then gently handed him a bowl of tempura and some rice. Tanjiro looked at the food and his eyes lit up. He was so hungry.

"Enjoy Kamado!"

Tanjiro smiled at Rengoku. "Thank you Rengoku-san!" Rengoku turned pink and smiled. He then picked up his own food and they both started eating, with Rengoku saying 'UMAI' after every bite. Tanjiro began eating and stopped halfway, not sure on what they were doing next.

" the food not good?"

Tanjiro looked up to see Rengoku look at him concerned.

"Ah...No...I just...I don't know...I think I'm full...?"

Rengoku then smiled and leaned over to him. Tanjiro was startled and looked at him.

Rengoku then leaned and said in his ear softly, "You should eat Kamado....your going to need your energy..."

Tanjiro turned red at this and then squeaked out "o-okay!"

Rengoku chuckled and then went back to eating. Tanjiro was flustered and blushing, resuming his eating. It was quiet while they ate. Once they both finished, Rengoku looked at Tanjiro and smiled softly. Tanjiro grew nervous and looked back at Rengoku. Rengoku then gently grabbed Tanjiro's hand.


"Yes Rengoku-san...?"

Tanjiro looked at him, and felt his heartbeat.

Is....Is it time...?

"Lets go to the garden....please?"

Tanjiro was surprised by his request, but smiled softly.

"Sure Rengoku-san,"

Rengoku smiled and then they both walked to the garden and went outside. The night was beautiful, and very nice, not too cold, nor to hot.

Rengoku looked at Tanjiro, and couldn't help but admire how much he loved him.



Tanjiro looked at Rengoku. Rengoku walked over to him and then placed his hands on Tanjiro's waist, holding him close. Tanjiro turned a faint red and his heart was beating fast. Rengoku looked at him with so much love in his eyes, and he could see how it reflected in Tanjiro's eyes, the way they sparkled. Rengoku then leaned down, slowly closing his eyes. Tanjiro closed his eyes and tilted his head up. In synchronization, they both kissed each other. It wasn't fierce, or straight up making out, it was a beautiful and loving kiss.

They stayed like that for a minute or two, before pulling away from the kiss and gazing into each other's eyes, faces a shade of red.


"Yes Tanjiro...?"

Tanjiro gulped and then looked at him. "C-Can we...?"

Rengoku understood what Tanjiro wanted, and looked at him, placing a hand on his cheek. He then picked Tanjiro up, carrying him in bridal carry. Tanjiro turned red.


Rengoku cut him off by kissing him, this time more passionately and walked towards the estate again, heading inside. Tanjiro kissed back, blushing. Rengoku headed into his bedroom, and then closed the door, setting Tanjiro down and looking at him. They looked at each other before they held each other close, kissing again, their lips locked into a very passionate kiss. Tanjiro could smell Rengoku's scent get stronger, and become more intimate. Rengoku then pulled away for a moment and looked at Tanjiro with a slightly lustful look and Tanjiro had the same look on him too. They then ended up making out on the bed, Tanjiro pinned to the floor and his hands on Rengoku's back, kissing very passionately.

"Mmh~ Rengoku-san~"

Tanjiro moaned in between kisses and then started to press his body more against Rengoku's.

"Hm~ Kamado~"

Rengoku held one of Tanjiro's thigh's and then they pulled apart for a moment, saliva connecting their mouths from a strand.

"I want to feel you Kamado~"

"I-I want to feel you too~"

They looked into each others eyes, knowing what was going to come next.

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