Chapter 3) A Brief Battle

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"Well, We best keep moving forward, we want to cover ground as much as we can, and  we might as well even slay some demons on the way there, to help prevent future casualties" said Rengoku.

"Right!" agreed Tanjiro. They quickened the pace, and then leapt off into the long night.


They reached a small village just a few hours before daybreak.

Tanjiro was about to open his mouth to ask a question when the smell of blood was thick in the air. His eyes widened, and sniffed deeply, detecting the smell of a demon.

"Do you sense it, young kamado?"

Tanjiro looked towards Rengoku and nodded. "I shall handle the demon my boy, you scan the rest of the village"

Tanjiro nodded and sprinted towards the village, smelling and scanning the area for more demons. Rengoku closed in on the demon. He could tell it wasn't even one of the moons. The demon looked at him and snarled. Rengoku looked at the demon seriously.

" I don't care for small talk between a Demon, But, Have you heard of a demon that's taken a liking to the mountain in the North?"

"I don't care and don't know what you're talking about! You're going to regret the day you met me!"  the Demon then launched  itself at Rengoku.

Flame Breathing, 2nd form: Rising Scorching Sun

The demon wasn't even given the chance to land a blow, before Rengoku sended a surging upward flame breathing attack, decapitating the demon of its head and several limbs.

Hmm, I was hoping for more information on the demon, but nothing so far....Once we reach the village, we'll know more for sure on the disappearances hopefully


Nope nothing over here.

Tanjiro had combed the town for the last 10 minutes, and came up with nothing. I should get back to Rengoku-san. Tanjiro began sprinting back towards where Rengoku was when he stopped

I smell blood! And it's very strong

He looks in the direction of the scent, and leaps towards it.

I know it would be best to ask Rengoku-san for help, but I have to stop it before it does anything more

He began closing in on the scent and landed in the middle of the deserted dirt road. The Town was in sleep and eerily quiet. "The scent definitely came from here,'' Tanjiro said quietly. Tanjiro listened very hard when he heard a sudden movement from behind him. He turned around quickly, bringing down his sword to block the sudden attack from the demon. The demon seemed to be quicker than most.

This one must have eaten many humans to be this quick thought Tanjiro.

Tanjiro kicked the demon back to give him space. The Demon sprinted at Tanjiro, fangs bared and trying to jump on him. Tanjiro sucked in a breath. He could see the line/strand.

Water breathing, Second form: Water Wheel!

Tanjiro swung his sword, creating a vertical wheel of water, decapitating the demon. Tanjiro was about to sheathe his sword when he sensed another demon behind him. He quickly jumped to the side as he saw another demon appear. He quickly took a step back, and took in another breath.

Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash!

Tanjiro created a quick and powerful water slash towards the neck of the Demon. Tanjiro quickly scanned the area, smelling the air, before putting his sword away. He let out a breath, and sheathed it.

"Well done!"

Tanjiro jumped slightly and turned around. Behind him was Rengoku. "I see you're getting to be a better demon slayer! That last attack was quick, which is why you must be sure to always be aware of your surroundings!"

Tanjiro nodded.

"Rengoku-san...The Demon you were taking care of?"

"Ah! Yes, I have taken care of it, along with the other demons in the area, I sent my crow off to let other demon slayers know of the area, to check it out while we continue on!"

Tanjiro nodded again, showing his understanding.

"Come, let us continue, for the sun is rising, and we may cover a lot of ground," Rengoku said to Tanjiro. Tanjiro and Rengoku began to sprint and exited the town. By daybreak they had reached a city. Tanjiro was slightly exhausted. He knew he should be taking a break and resting up, but he didn't want to disappoint Rengoku. Rengoku was talking with one of the people in the city before noticing Tanjiro. He could see how Tanjiro's eyes were not as bright as before, as a matter of fact, He saw how exhausted he was.

"Sir, do you know of a good inn nearby?" Rengoku asked.

" Oh! There is one just down on the road over there". The Old man points in the direction of an Inn.

"Thank you, good sir!" Rengoku said. Rengoku then looked at Tanjiro.

"Kamado, my boy, we're going to be staying at an Inn for the day, to regain our strength."

Tanjiro looked surprised. He was willing to keep moving on, but had a feeling that Rengoku was right. "Okay!"

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