Chapter 1) The Meeting

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Rengoku headed over to the Demon slayer corps to report the findings of his mission, but to also attend an important meeting that was brought up by the master. He made sure to quickly finish his business with a demon from a few moments earlier and was moving swiftly towards the Corps building. From the way he was running, he would be there just in time.

As he reached the main building, He slowed down his speed to not startle anyone, and walked calmly to the entrance. As he opened the door and came in, he saw everyone else was already there. Sanemi gave a look of utter disappointment, Giyuu was gazing at the wall, And Mitsuri was suppressing a smile at Rengoku's slight lateness. Shinobu flashed a smile at Rengoku and Said "Rengoku-san, Hello!"

"Hello fellow Hashira! Sorry for being la-"

At that moment The master walked in and everyone immediately bowed down. 

"I am very sorry! Forgive me for being late. I had some business to take care of!"

There was a moment of silence before he said "Rengoku, It's fine. Sit up my children. I have called this meeting for a reason"

All of the Hashira sat up and waited for what needed to be said.

"I don't know if you have heard, But there have been some disappearances up on a mountain just North of here. Some Townspeople think that it's just people leaving the area because of the weather, but I believe that it is a demon. The Demon seems to be targeting just young Males, ranging from the ages of 14-17 years old."

The Hashira all looked at each other with a serious look, some of them showing looks of sadness as well.

"We've sent at least three of the 4 level slayers to the Mountain to obtain just information on this demon...but only 1 came back, badly wounded, but alive, and has shown no signs of being a demon. But because of how they are Targeting these young males, I do not want to send in any young recruits, unless need be, but I need one of you Hashira to investigate this cause"

All the Hashira nodded.

"Who do you want to go to the mountain?" Questioned Gyomei.

"I cannot go. I have to stay here and help heal the others, as well as help train Kanao for a few days. I hope you understand Master, and forgive me for this" Shinobu said.

"It's Alright Shinobu, How about anyone else?"

"I already have an investigation going on" Tengen implored.

"I have to help train the recruits, along with Tomioka and Sanemi," Gyomei said.

"How about you Rengoku? I believe you just came back from one, Is it all right with you?"

Rengoku bowed and said "I am able to go and do this mission."

Iguro then interrupted and said "But you just came back from one, besides, how are you going to be able to track down this Demon? In the report I heard, This demon has the faintest smell a demon could ever have...How are you going to track it down?"

All the Hashiras looked at each other with a look of concern when The Master interrupted and said "How about Tanjiro? I hear he has an excellent sense of smell."

All the Hashira looked surprised at this response.

"That kid with the demon sister? The one with the earrings?" responded Sanemi.

"But he is of lower rank!" Exclaimed Iguro.

Misturi looked at her fellow hashira with a look of concern on her face.

"He is an excellent Demon slayer. He has potential. I know he can handle himself." Tomioka said.

Sanemi and Iguro looked at Tomioka with a look of disbelief when Rengoku then said " I am happy to have such an aspiring fellow with me, Although 3 may be too many people...He carries his sister everywhere he goes, doesn't he?"

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