Chapter 5) A Bold Move

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Tanjiro reached the bathhouses in 5 min and wondered why no one was there. He assumed it was because of how early they had come, after all, It was daybreak when they came to the town. He looked up at the sky and noticed that it was most likely around 12:00. I am most definitely getting something to eat after this Tanjiro thought with a grimace as his stomach slightly rumbled. He began taking off his uniform and was about to unbutton the undershirt when he heard a slight cough.

He turned around quickly and noticed Rengoku holding towels and face tinged red, with his face slightly surprised.

"R-Rengoku-san!" Tanjiro said with a red face. Rengoku coughed once again and averted his attention to anywhere else but Tanjiro.

"I, Um, got some Towels!"

"Great! Thanks!". Both of them were quiet. Tanjiro was embarrassed because Rengoku saw him undressing( Although he wasn't fully undressed), Rengoku was embarrassed to see Tanjiro undressing.

This is so stupid of me... were both guy's... it's OKAY..

Tanjiro took in a breath and continued undressing. Rengoku turned away and started to undress as well. Both of them were aware of the heat and steam coming from the water, and how they were both, well, going to be naked.

"Um...Thanks for getting us some towels"

Rengoku was startled by this and was about to turn around when he remembered to keep his eyes elsewhere. Tanjiro sneaked a peek and looked behind himself. He saw that Rengoku had already taken off his uniform top as well as undershirt. His back rippled, showing his muscles. Tanjiro turned redder, and just couldn't stop staring.

Rengoku felt like he had someone's gaze on him, and suspected it was Tanjiro, which only caused his face to turn somewhat pink. Rengoku chuckled to himself quietly, and began to unbuckle his belt. Before he slid his pants off, Tanjiro looked away, heart beating fast.

Tanjiro proceeds to quickly undress fully and goes into the water.

Maybe this water can cover up the fact that I'm blushing...

He goes in, only leaving his head visible, and lets out a sigh of relaxation. He noticed a shadow coming closer in the steam and then heard the sound of water splashing. He opens his eyes to see Rengoku in the water, his wet hair slightly over his face and looking disheveled.

Tanjiro bursts out laughing at the sight of Rengoku.

"Hmm? Young Kamado, where are you? And...why are you laughing?"

Tanjiro is reduced to giggles and swims over to Rengoku.

"Alright, give me a second".

Tanjiro lifts up Rengoku's bangs, pushing them to the side of his face. He can see Rengoku's face clearly, and turns a slight pink. He then wipes the water off Rengoku's eyes gently with his thumb, and then rests his hands on Rengoku's shoulders. Rengoku open's his eyes to see Tanjiro in front of him, a blush on his cheeks. Rengoku turns a light shade of pink, and hesitates, before using a hand to brush a strand of hair off of Tanjiro's face. Tanjiro blushes harder in response to this. Rengoku smiles gently, and places both hands on Tanjiros's waist in the water.

They gazed at each other deeply, Golden-red eyes gazing into dark beautiful red ones.


Both of them lean closer to each other. Rengoku's eyes fall to Tanjiro's lips, while Tanjiro's eyes do the same, looking at Rengoku's lips. They lean even closer, they're heads only 2 inches apart. Rengoku lifts Tanjiro's head up towards his, tilting his own to match against Tanjiro's.

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