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Third-Person Pov-

2 Years ago-

"What did the doc say?" Jungkook asked on his phone, handing his briefcase to his secretary who took it instantly.

"She said the baby is normal and healthy.." His wife Jennie said from the other side and he could feel the shy smile on her lips which made his own lips curve upwards. He sighed in relief hearing that.

"When are you coming back?.. I miss you." He heard her whine on the phone which made him chuckle.

"On Monday just.... two days more Jen." He rasped on the phone and Jennie hummed understanding.

"You're with the driver right?" He asked to which he got a yes as a reply.

"I'm going to my mom...I'm tired these days so I felt like seeing her." She said and the tiredness was visible in her voice and he sighed at that.

Being the CEO of one of the biggest companies was not easy and sometimes he felt so bad for his wife, he is not with her when she needs him the most but he cannot avoid the work too after all everything he does is for her and their future only.

"I'm sorry Jen but I'll be there soon and I promise the next whole week we'll be spending together with me at your service." He said with a smile and so heard a chuckle which made his heart beat fast, this was all he needed, it was his heaven.

"I know and don't you dare leave for a second because If you do so I'll leave you forever." She playfully threatened him later giggling at her own words.

"Aye Aye ma'am." He said through his deep chuckles, sitting in the car as he sank into the seat.

"I love you..." He breathed out on the phone as he looked out of the tinted glass.

"I love you too kookie" he heard using her baby voice which made him let out a hearty chuckle but soon her calm voice turned to a panicked one.
"Please lower the speed, it's too fast." He listened to her say and her ragged breathing could be heard making him frown.

"Ma'am the breaks are not working." He heard the muffled voices of the man making his frown deep.

"Jen what's going on there." He spoke calmly.
"Jungkook it hurts." He heard her painful voice making his stomach drop, she used his full name instead of the pet name for the first time which made him more worried.

"Jen tell me what is happening." He said panicking and his secretary who was sitting beside him looked at him with a frown.

"Nooo, it's gonna crash. PLEASE HELP JUNGk-" He heard her piercing cry and something crashing in the background and then the complete silence, the silence which was piercing his heart making it beat rapidly and then the phone disconnected.

He gulped as he shakingly dialled the call again, his hands badly trembling as he clutched tightly to the phone.
'The number you are calling is currently switched off. Please try again later.'

He panicked a little as he glanced around, all the negative thoughts consuming his mind, he looked at the Secretary who was staring at him worried.

"Jisoo-" he voiced out as the sweat beads started forming on his forehead.

"What happened Mr. Jeon?" She asked out worriedly but looks like the ravenette was too panicked to speak something. She got the water bottle and passed it to him but he soon yanked the bottle away making her gasp.

"Quickly call the d-driver who was supposed to take J-Jennie to the doctor" he stuttered out, his chest heaving making it difficult for him to breathe, she looked at him with dread.

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