Reptile (Soulmates)

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Listen the timeline here doesn't exactly match that of the crossmare soulmates shots but Um um uh um ah um I wrote those oneshots nearly 3 years ago give me some slack


Because who doesn't love to know the other side of the story

For as long as she could remember she'd hated reptiles.

She could recall crying and screaming in her father's arm when she saw the snakes at the zoo, her mother's scolding voice echoing in her ears.

"For goodness sake pull yourself together Abigail - You're embarrassing me."

She had tried her best to be brave, but she hated the way their scales clicked, the way their tongues flickered out to taste the air, the way their soulless eyes stared dead into your heart.

Her brother had taken her fear as an opportunity to torment, and had bought a pet lizard two months after her first meltdown. It had been a vicious looking bearded dragon named Jackson, and she hated him. He'd once made it bite her, and she'd screamed so loud it earned a slap from her mother.  She'd desperately done her best to avoid Jackson, but her brother would forever leave him on her bed, or in the bathroom sink for her to discover. She hated him for it.

Reptiles were vile creatures with cold blood and no heart. She avoided them like the plague whenever possible, and avoided trips to the zoo all together. They were cruel places after all.

It had always been a silly worry of her's that her soulmate might be a reptile fanatic. The type that would sling a snake around their neck as if it were jewellery before cheerily defrosting squashed mice to feed to their illegal government killing machine lizard.

Dream, thankfully, wasn't that sort of person. His brother might have the possibility to keep a snake; and his soulmate looked like he'd collect taxidermy spiders, but Dream was perfect. He kept everything clean, and seemed to have a strong distaste for most animals, meaning no reptiles, and no breakdowns. As a result, the apartment was a safe, comfy place for her to live and love. It had been that way for several blissful months, just her, Dream and Nightmare. Then everything changed.

A reptile had slithered its way into their home.

She could remember the day perfectly, months ago, when she'd been sat in the bedroom typing on her computer to fulfil the next months mangers tasks - she ran a small beauty business. She had heard murmuring voices flowing through the hallway, and she remembered pausing her work on the spreadsheet to look up. The bedroom door had been ajar, and she watched as Nightmare had stepped past. The man had walked with a slow grace, as if he held the title of a king. He had ignored her, speaking about a spare room. Then behind him, a stranger had walked past. He was small, his body nimble and footsteps light. Their eyes had met for only a second, yet all she could register was a dead, soulless stare. The eyes of a reptile.

A week later, the man had moved into the apartment. She had been horrified.

The man was called Killer, a name that had made her uncomfortable from the moment she heard it. He had glided around the sofas like a snake exploring its territory, his sharp tongue flicking out to dampen his lips. The sight had made her sick.

When he spoke, it was sly and calculated, words drawn out in such a way that it sounded like a hiss. She'd done her best not to cringe when they finally introduced themselves to each other. His hand had been cold to the touch when she'd shook it, and his eyes once again bore no indication of life. While Dream's sparkled with flecks of gold, yellow and orange, Killer's were void. Even Nightmare had a slither of blue for a pupil, but something about Killer wasn't right. Dream had told her many times that he did have pupils, and they were allegedly silver, yet she'd never seen them. Not once.

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