Chapter 11: Don't Leave Us

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No One's Pov

"Where exactly are we going?" the toy bear asked while being dragged by the female bunny. Bon Bon said nothing, she still had the under eyes but everything else was normal. Red sighed then stopped. Bon Bon turned around swiftly, "We need to go, now." she said sternly. Red shook his head, "I'm not going anywhere until you explain what is happening." he said seriously. Bon Bon sighed loudly, "I CAN'T TELL YOU! OK?!" she yelled. Red growled while his eyes went completely black except for these white pinprick dots. "I'm sick of you trying to keep secrets from me." Red hissed then grabbed Bon Bon by the neck.

"I'm sick of you." Red whispered.

He started to tightened his grip. Bon Bon once again, chomped on his hand, but this time, it fell completely off. "We aren't doing this again." The bunny said softly. Red screeched and stumbled backwards. A bottle of water tipped over and he stepped in it, making his servos go out of control. He fell to his knees in pain. His eyes had returned to normal but he was completely weak and on the string of dying. Bon Bon gasped and ran over to him. Red frowned and began crying silently, he didn't say a word. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-to..." Bon Bon choked out. She quickly supported him to his feat while taking him to one of the party rooms.

"SURPRISE!" everyone screamed. Red had finally got free from the bunny and slid over to a wall. He coughed and spat some oil out. "W-What happened Red?" T-Chi asked. The Puppet looked at his arm, "Where's your hand?". Balloon Boy had seen his wiring, "And what's with your wires?". Bon Bon hugged the bear tight, "I'm so sorry hun." she whispered while crying a bit. Red finally spoke up, "I'm wont be here for much longer I-I t-th-th-think..." he glitched. Everyone fell to their knees except the Puppet who couldn't do that. Tangle ran up to the bear and hugged him, "No big bro. Please don't leave us..." he choked out. Red smiled at the yellow bear, "I love you all." he turned to Bon Bon, "And I'm sorry." his eyes went completely black and showed no signs of life.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Bon Bon screamed. Everyone began crying, even the puppet. A loud crash came from the Parts and Service room. Everyone ran towards that room then gasped.

A bear was functional in the room. He was all torn up and broken. He immideatly stood up and looked at the shorter animatronics,

"Where's the bear." he said sternly.

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