Chapter 5: How could you?

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Toy Chica's P.o.v

Heh, all going according to plan. I have to give Vincent (Purple Guy ) most of the credit, I would have never been able to make a extremely close copy of Bunny boy. I just.... HATE THAT DAMN BUNNY!

Red will be mine, not with that blue rodent.

I kissed Red on the cheek and went to my room. He was so hot and cute. I adore him. Now that bunny was out of the way, there was no way I was loosing my Reddy AGAIN.

Toy Bonnie's P.o.v

I-I can't believe it! Why?! I would never hurt anyone! Not even that Jerk, T-Chi. I would never! My heartbreaking moment was....

Red actually believed her.

I cried my eyes out while in my room until the bells rang. I realized it hit 6am so I had to get on the stage before the humans thought I was 'missing'. I went to the stage and stood to the left of Red. He glared at me but I took no notice. When the employees and kids arrived, I did what I was made to do.

All I really did was my usual routine, eat, play the guitar and go to my room. I avoided Red and T-Chi as much as I could and I could tell they were taking no notice because they were getting closer together. I wasn't jealous,

just h-heartbroken.

Narrator's P.o.v

T-Chi became a sort of couple. T-Chi was indeed pleased and happy to have Red to herself but Red had other thoughts. When he was with Bon Bon, it felt like it was meant to be, but with T-Chi.

It wasn't right.

T-Chi tried to kiss Red alot but failed. Except when infront of Bon Bon which made Bon Bon cry harder. Hey eyes flashed to gray in an instant but no one noticed.

Except Red.

Red decided to finally man up and talk to the bunny. He walked up to the bunny with confidence the put his paw on the females shoulder.

" Bon I-"

Bon Bon slapped Red hard which made Red stare at the bunny in disbelief.


M-MONSTER!" Bon Bon choked out.

She ran off to her room crying. Red sat on the floor while touching his cheek.

(( A/N: Hey guys! Another chapter! I might write the next chapter if this one gets 30-50 views.... Maybe.Thanks for all the views, it means alot to me. Please comment, vote and follow! I don't mind requests so... yeah! Toodles!))

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