Chapter 9: Doubt

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"Maybe I don't even matter anymore..." the bear mumbled. Toy Foxy and The Puppet heard. The 'extra head' attached to Mangle had gone off somewhere and of course, detached himself. Mangle began writing something on its sign. It held it up, 'Your everything to this place Red. Your the heart and soul. Your what keeps us together and keeps us going.' Mangle smiled. Red patted its head, "Your a good fox Mangle..." Red smiled weakly. The Puppet looked like it was in deep thought. It finally looked up and smiled, "Maybe she still likes you. She said maybe, that might be a sign..." it gestured its hands everywhere. Red nodded, "I guess... Well, I'm going to the stage. Bye.." he waved then dragged himself to the stage. He wondered if the Puppet was on to something...

Toy Freddy's P.o.v

As I walked off to the stage, I noticed B.B. He dropped his sign and ran over to me. He was cute, but also disturbing. "HI REDDY!" he practically screamed. I smiled huge it hurt my face, "Heya B.B. How are ya, haven't seen you in a while." I kept my smile stiff. He let go of my leg then frowned. "Whats wrong? Your faking that smile. I ain't an idiot." he looked cross. I began laughing, I find it priceless to see little kids act mad. He kicked my leg and it didn't really hurt. I picked him up, " Don't worry little fella, I'm fine." I smirked. He nodded then I put him down. I think he ran off to find T-Chi, he was always with her for some reason...

I finally made it to the stage and stood in my spot. No body was on the stage to my relief. I don't think I could keep strong if Bon Bon walked in. I drifted to sleep then awoke straight away to find Bon Bon looking up at me. She looked tired, sad and prepared at the same time. It was really weird to look at. "What is it?" I mumbled. She looked like she had been crying. She grabbed my arm then pulled me over to her room. I honestly don't even know what's happening anymore...

Toy Bonnie's Pov

I hope it works! I really do! If this doesn't work, nothing will. Romance, he loves Romance. So T-Chi, B.B, The Puppet, Mangle and Tangle (Extra head attached to Mangle) whipped something up and hopefully, it will work. I PRAY TO GOD!!!

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