Chapter one

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Once enemies, the King, sole ruler of all Kingsland, and the Chieftain of the Ragefist clan, have come to forge an alliance against a common enemy, an alliance made on the basis of hate and anger towards one particular individual, the Greedy Summoner, who had stolen an item of unprecedented value; due to it, every day, many brave man and orc from all over the kingdom would line up in order to take their chance at being the one to retrieve said treasure, so to acquire great sums of respect, honor, and, hopefully, financial aid. Such bravery always ended in certain death by flame burst via a three headed beast who stood in the pathway.

The beast's power was such that not even the Summoner himself found joy in it, it had been weeks since he was last required to cast a single spell; this brought him an immeasurable feeling of boredom, sensation he was not quite sure was bearable for any longer. Days set and rose, powerful mages and dark artists would sacrifice whole towns in deals with bloodthirsty deities, and yet... they were simply obliterated as soon as they touched the battlefield, without giving the summoner even the slight chance of casting any sort of spell. It was no fun.

"What's even in this treasure anyways", he proclaimed in frustration, to no one in particular. "Maybe it's not even worth it." Those words were not very truthful, for due to his greed, even a single golden coin would be worth the trouble. In fact, he had already gone through such situation before, thus earning himself the title of the grimiest, most greedy person in the kingdom.

" I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT FRIENDO BUT I CAN GIVE YOU FIVE GEMS IF YOU WATCH THIS AD REALLY QUICK" said the monitor, seemingly coming out of nowhere, hesitantly, the summoner emotionally prepared to deny, he's not one to skip these opportunities of free riches, but this was not time for advertisements, it was time for an important decision, but then again... five gems is five gems...

After watching the odd advertisement about a board game with beautiful maidens and truthful propaganda, the summoner looked down to the gems in his hands, yet he was not satisfied, in a different way than the usual endless hoarding mania, of course. At that moment he felt entitled, to know if whatever items, or item, in the chest shined as bright and the gems that sat in his palm. The temptation was too much intense, there was no other way; he had to see what it was.

And so, he walked towards the chest, determined to bust it open; a quick lightning bolt spell should do the trick. And as he moved the chest around, he realized something that, most likely due to the sheer adrenaline of stealing from the King, he had not come to see before: the chest is extremely light. Although that did explain why such effeminate, delicate and slim person such as himself could lift the chest over his head, it raised many more questions.

Such as, what exactly could be inside the chest? Was it full of valuable documents for ownership of land? Was it a rolled-up painting by a remarkable master at artistic crafts? Or maybe a scroll for a spell too powerful for any man to learn! That would surely be fun, even if a summoner by craft, spell casting was still one of his favorite things.

And so the first lightning bolt was cast, and that led to absolutely no damage to the lock, the second was, much like its predecessor, useless. And so was the third, the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and the following five others too. The thirteenth cast did do something however, and that was setting his cloak ablaze. As he flailed around, a hearty chuckle echoed through the battlefield, somehow muffling the sounds of ongoing violence.

"HOHOHO! Summoner... trying to open the holy royal lock, aren't you?", said a booming voice from afar, which, once the Summoner was finally able to extinguish himself and look in its direction, was revealed to belong to the King:

"Well, I'll bust it open, I want to see you laughing then!", the Summoner tried his best to sound threatening, which was very hard given his silky, unsure and cracking voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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