Chapter 23: Dinner Interrogation

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We were halfway to the White mansion in Sasha's blue Jeep when she asked the thing I wish she didn't ask.

"Sooo. Who was the kid you were talking to?"

I looked at her and said "Who? Me? Are you serious right now?"

She wiggled her eyebrows. "I mean he was pretty cute." She said.

I scoffed. "What he was, was a loser. He was just downright mean.", I looked over at her and saw her face which was contorted into one of a are you sure? look. I stared at her, "Sasha, you don't believe I was flirting with him did you?", Her face told me my answer. I gasped, "Sasha you believed I was flirting with him didn't you! The audacity! I was telling him how he shouldn't smoke when there's little kids around and he started to argue with me! I hate him honestly. But guess what? Guess who got the final say? Hm? Me! That's who!"

She looked at me and laughed. Not a little chuckle but a full on belly deep laugh. She laughed so hard she started to cry. "Oh my, the Whites and their final say. I guess it must run in the family."

I looked at her and tried to think of anything to say but I couldn't so I just turned around and looked out my window and began to count people.

We got home and I did what any normal kid would do.

I took a nap.

Luke's POV:

I rubbed my forehead as I sat in my chair. Stupid paperwork. I would much rather be at home and taking a nap than doing this shit. I gently shook my head and signed my name on a paper.

I do not know which is harder, being a CEO of a popular business or being the leader of the American Mafia. Safe to say I do not prefer either one.

This past weekend Lidia has been very, very sick. Sasha came and told me that she wasn't feeling better today either but I know everything that happens in my house. I knew that she was sad she missed a whole weekend and had to be healthy the day she comes back for school so I didn't question it.

I also know she went to the park. Let me
explain: every park we build or donate money to, we put cameras there. For safety reasons among other things. Very helpful if one of your siblings is going through a rebellious phase.

As any normal person who's about a month ahead on his paperwork, I watched her. Not in a creepy way of course but in a way that tells 'I'm bored. Entertain me.'. I saw her talking to a-I physically, but silently gagged-  a boy!

I'm not one to do this. Hell, I have four brothers. This girl is really changing me. So as any normal brother I did what most would do:

I googled him.

Hm. Donavon Sylio. He looks like, oh what does Lidia call it? Emo? Yeah he looks like that. I cannot believe my little sister would socialize with him. Although she has not been here long I could tell we were rubbing off on here.

I continued to watch the video and as I predicted, she had the last word. I do not expect anything less from her.

She reminds me of a mixture between all of us. She has Jesse's silliness and James's hotheadedness. Caden's simple love for family. Sasha though not blood related still has planted a piece of her soul into Lidia. Curly has Zack's tenderness although scary when he wants to be.

And well she has me in her too. She has my observation skills. My way to get the things we want. I'm guessing she's saving her lying skills-not because she's bad but because she doesn't want us to know how good she is.

I stopped the video and got back to work much to my dismay.

Lidia's POV:

I woke up and stretched. Nothing like sleeping on a couch. I just laid  there and looked at the ceiling. Not going to lie it's pretty calming. Just laying there. Not having a care in the world.

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