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Marinette's POV

I woke up below a tree in a garden. I had no idea what was going on."Tikki?"I said. She wasn't there. I started to panic.

"Where am I?What happened to me?Wh-Wh-"I asked myself.
I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was.It was a tall guy. He had black hair and was wearing a black shirt that was unbuttoned.

"Hey,Where am I?"He asked me.

I looked at him,confused. Mintues went by and I didn't say anything back.I heard footsteps coming to us and the sound of branches snapping in half.

"Who's there!"I yelled.

There was no response.I squinted my eyes and saw a lady walking to us.As she came closer, I realized it was Natalie.

"Natalie?"I said.

I ran to her and threw my arms on her.

"What are you doing here?"I asked her.
She smiled at me."Marinette you have unfortunately passed away and this is where you go when you die.It's called The Spirit Woods."Natalie announced.I was so confused.Natalie looked at the other guy next to me."I'll take you guys to the main land."Natalie said.I had so many questions.Why am I here?What happened to Adrein?The most important question was "How I was going to get back?".

Adrein's POV

Life was hard without Marinette.I had to deal with trauma,pain,and suffering without her.I woke up in my bed to the sound of Plagg singing horribly.I was pissed at him.

"Shut up!"I yelled.

Plagg looked at me with a dejected face.I felt apologetic.

"I'm sorry,Plagg."I told him.

He sighed.

"It's my fault but I accept your apology."Plagg replied.

I got up dejectedly.Plagg noticed how sad I was and was highly concerned.

"Are you ok,Adrein?"Plagg asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.Something was wrong with me.It was the 1 year anniversary of Marinette's death.The day that my little angel left this world.

Alya's POV

Marinette's death changed me.I was depressed and couldn't breathe knowing that my best friend was dead.For the past 10 months,Master Su-han and I had been training in the miraculous temple in China.

I woke up with the sun in my eyes.I looked at my empty room.The only thing in it was an ancient chinese clock that I could barely read,a desk near my bed,and my twin sized bed.My Chinese radio was on my desk and was still playing.

"Wǒmen yào bòfàng rìběn rén zuì xǐhuān de gēqǔ "Stay With Me" "The radio played.

I knew enough Chinese to know what song they were about to play.It was Stay With Me.Japan's favorite song and I guessed that it was China's too.

Master Su-han and I started to train.The goal of training was to somehow unlock the power of healing to resurrect Marinette. We were in the middle of the temple's fighting center.

"You have learned the styles of fighting from all of the miraculous temples
:Grecce,Egypt,China,India,and Japan and still are weak."Su Han said.

I was highly offended.

"I can't take it anymore!I've been here for almost a year and you've been making me feel weak like a mosquito!"Alya shouted.

I could tell that Su-han was mad but I didn't care.I walked off the fighting center and ran inside the temple to my room.I could hear Su Han yelling at me but I never turned back.

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