"Anastasia, when can you start working?"

My mouth drops open. "You mean I got the job?"

"That's what I am saying. Welcome to the SIP team as my new assistant editor. Of course it's an internships job testing the waters to see if you're fit for book publishing. You'll be getting paid though, so no need to worry about that. When can you start? Next Monday?" Jack rests his elbows on the table, waiting for my answer.

"Monday will be fine," I say, trying to reign in my excitement.

Jack claps his hands together, "great. Monday it is." He shakes my hand and I express my gratitude.

I thank the other people and head back to the elevator,a huge smile on my face. As soon as the elevators close, I call Christian. He's the only one I want to tell my news to.

"Christian!" I screech into phone.

"Ana, are you alright? Where are you?" Christian asks.

I smile at his concern, "I'm okay. You are now talking to the new assistant editor to Mr. Jack Hyde of Seattle Independent Publishers!"

"I knew you could do it. Let's celebrate tonight. My treat."

I laugh into the phone, "if you can spare a few dollars on me."

"Ana," he breathes into the phone.

I mentally slap myself in the face. "Yeah, so, what did you have in mind?" I wave to the lady at the front desk when I get off the elevator. It's now raining outside and I have forgotten my umbrella in the apartment. If Christian wants to celebrate, I might as well stick around the Seattle are for a few hours. There's a few things I need to check out before we move in this week. Might as well do it today.

"Dinner at my place."

"Oh, your place?" I ask, feeling slightly nervous. The last time I was at his apartment, really his palace, he proposed our little agreement. I still am thoroughly confused about the proposal as I am not sure if we are actual or not.

"Is that a problem, Miss Steele?" his voice is husky, making me shiver.

I shake my head, then I realize he cannot see me. "No problem. I'll be there. I'm in Seattle the rest of the day because there's no use in going back to my apartment..."

"Come to my office. Now."

I scrunch my nose at his command. Let's not start this now. "Why?" is what I ask.

"Because I said so," he answers back.

Gone is the fun Christian Grey. We're back to the dominating one that I have come to detester. "Good argument, Mr. Grey. I would think for a man so intelligent and powerful that your answers would be so witty."

"Miss Steele, I will have you know that my answers are being so brief right now because I have about ten other people listening and looking at me this minute."


"I'm currently leading a meeting. Sorry everyone, it's my girlfriend."

Hearing him tell his employees that I am his girlfriend makes my heart flutter. Maybe I will go down to his office after all. "I'll be right over. God, for once you should do your job."

He laughs and says, "Laters, Ana."

I hang up and run out into the rain. There's no way to dodge the huge rain drops, so I will arrive looking like a wet dog. It's cool though. Totally cool because I couldn't care less what I looked like because I am in the greatest mood ever. Nothing can stop me from-a car whizzes by, hitting a puddle of water, and I'm drenched from head to toe.

Loving Him is Grey (50 shades fanfic-PG-13)Where stories live. Discover now