end of the tunnel

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After the revelation of my past, I have no energy or thought to go to school and face others, especially him. I always am like a damsel in distress in front of Gerard, and I don't want to be like that anymore. When I have already proposed to him.

The home felt lonely as Ben went to school, he insisted on staying home but I wanted to be alone. Alone and lonely.

It was around two pm, the weather was smoky and leaden, the grey skies dominated today, as it felt it would rain today. Its been like this since the morning and it hasn't rained since. Its humid yet windy as I made my way Yeoinaru.
By the obstruction of buildings in my view, I realized, I have arrived at the hub of Union, and I was near Baekjin's office. I groaned at the realization. I should go back. But before my feet were to withdrew, I heard a playful voice and my hair stood at the end.

It was Dongha and Mok from Mokha duo. There figures were in my vicinity, and were approaching me, before I could run, Dongha was already standing in front of me. His lips turned in an upcurling smirk.

"Selena...right?" his voice stinged me, as he was the last person I wanted to meet. I recalled our mere conversations and it came to me that I have never even once told him my name...ah, it must be that bitch Baekjin Na.

His hands went to his pockets and he muttered under his breath
"You know...you're my type.." he was about to touch my face with his knuckles, but before he could do that, a voice interrupted his action
"Don't touch her"
As soon as it was said, a hand grabbed his wrists, and the person was standing besides me, he was Jake Ji from Daehyeon High.
"Jake.." I muttered, looking up at him, he looked bright as ever, as a smile was lightening up his features, but the smile was thin. It, looked as if he has aged ever since.

He turned to me and said
"What are you spacing out for?"

I nodded and said
"Long time no see, Jake"

Dongha's voice came floating in, between our conversation as he said
"Oohhhh~ is that the rumored Jake Ji? Who was defeated by a mere Eunjang leach?"
Jake clenched his jaw as his eyebrows furrowed in anger. Shit...he shouldn't have said that. His fingers were curled up in a big fist, as he raised his elbowto strike his fist, I clutched to his forearm.

"Please Jake.." I pleaded to him, if he even started fighting now, I am scared what would happen. Both of them have short temper and are known to be notorious fighters. The crowd murmured as they passed by, glancing frightengly at us.

Dongha retreated in a denfensive position, his eyes were looked anxiously for any hint of movement, like a prey cowering from a predator. Jake lowered his fist. He said
"Piss off" His voice sounded hoarse.

Dongha feigned a chuckled and said in his flirting voice
"Later, Selena Darling~"

My expression curled in disgust, as I raised my middle finger on his retreated figure. At that moment, he looked over his shoulder and glared at me. I, kinda regretted doing that, but he thought better of it, and his glare lasted seconds.
We stood awkwardly, and walked awkwardly besides the banks if Han River. The rivers waters were off limits but the water was directly  scurried underneath  the silver railings.
The rippling water crashed against the tiny rocks smoothly, as leaned towards the railings. The silvery-blue color of water calmed me, and with it came unprecedented sadness, so overwhelming, it became so hard to bare.

"Thanks" I said to him, it was my first time seeing him after his ruthless fight with Ben. His face appeared more matured, he had stress lines streching on either side of his nose lines.

""How are you?" he asked as, his eyes looked weary, maybe from worry.

".....Fine" I said after a pause, his eyes looked sideways at me and we both realized, we both weren't fine..

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷'𝓼 𝓮𝓾𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪🌙حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن