"Hey!"She playfully hits my shoulders, trying not to smile as she pretended to act hurt.

I giggle before we walk towards the training building.

As we walk in I saw a beautiful woman, with purple died hair and simple baggy top and shorts on.
(I don't know anything about who helped make the movies or how they were made so I'm making up on the spot)

"Hey Scarlett! Your personal trainer is over by the weights when you are ready to get started." The woman says walking over to us with a smile.

"I'll see you on our breaks." Scarlett says giving me a smile before walking off.

"Amber?" She asked as she stopped in front of me, when I nodded she continued talking."I'm Lexi, I'm going to be your personal trainer."

"Nice to meet you." I reply as I shake her hand.

"Okay, let's get started. Obviously we won't be able to train everyday so we have put in a schedule, unless something comes up you'll be here all day on Tuesday's and half days on Thursdays and Sundays."

"Sounds good!" I give her a smile as she leads me to a empty weights area.

"First we need to talk and figure some things out, I'm going to ask some questions and please answer them honestly." She pulls out a piece of paper from a bag.

"Okay, I can do that."

"Okay this is for safety reasons, we need to know how often you used to work out so we can make a training program that suits you."

"I used to work out any chance I could in London, keeping the perfect model body took a lot of work with the way I eat." I joke earning a laugh from her.

"Right next question."

Scarlett's pov-

As I was doing my warm ups, I could see Amber sitting on a bench press with Lexi beside her.

They were going through the questioner that you have to do when you join the cast.

But after awhile it looked like they were flirting, Lexi laughing at almost everything that left ambers mouth and Amber giving Lexi a smile I've never seen before.

"Dave? Does Lexi have a boyfriend?" I ask my trainer who was setting up my weights for me.

"No, she and her boyfriend broke up at the end of the last film." He tells me.

For some reason I felt a flow of relief wash over me when I heard that she had a boyfriend in the past.

"She came out as a lesbian, so clearly she couldn't carry on dating a man." And their goes my relief, straight out the window.

Shaking my head I choose to ignore the pit in my stomach, I probably just don't want her to get hurt even though I just met her.

But it's none of my business.

Our first break comes along quite quickly, as I'm taking a sip of my water I see Amber walking towards me.

Without thinking, I quickly throw my half empty water bottle on the table and run off to my trailer.

I can hear Amber calling me but I choose to ignore it.

Why did I just do that,she's going to hate me!  I wouldn't blame her to be honest.

And that's how I spent of the rest of the day, training and then anytime we had a break I would run off before Amber could catch up to me.

I'm now walking back to my trailer to grab my things before heading home, it's currently 6pm so Lizzie offered to pick them up for me yesterday.

As I was walking, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist spinning me around to face the person who I've been avoiding.

"Scarlett, why have you been avoiding me?" Amber asks looking at me with these sad puppy eyes. "We were fine this morning."

"Amber let me go." I sigh trying to free my wrist from her grip.

"Scar, please tell me what's wrong? What did I do to make you angry?" She begs.

Without thinking I start speaking.

"I just met you, just because we had a good day yesterday doesn't mean we are friends. I was bored and you were the only one free." I spit out, I watch as her face turns to a hurt look and her hand dropped from my wrist down to her side.

"I'll leave you alone unless we have to film then" she rasps out, she sounds like she's about to cry.

Before I even got the chance to apologize she was already gone.

What the fuck Scarlett, what were you thinking.

I walked into my house after unlocking the door.

I stayed in my trailer for a while, shouting at myself for snapping at her.

It's not Amber's fault that I'm feeling jealous, I don't even know why I'm jealous.

But because of that it's now 8 pm and both cosmo and rose will be in bed by now.

I shut the door behind me and walked into the living room, I saw Lizzie glaring at me.

"Why the fuck did you do that to Amber." She says as she picks her bag up. "She's been nothing but nice to you."

"I don't know why I said what I did. I- I don't know how to explain what went through my mind to make me say that. Actually I know why but I don't know why I feel like that." I try to explain, her face softens as she puts her bag down and pulls me over to the sofa and we sit down.

"Talk me through it and we'll figure it out together." She gives me a soft smile. "This doesn't mean I'm not mad at you for hurting my sister's feelings."

"I know. I just- I had fun yesterday and then this morning when she was flirting with lexi, I felt I don't know- jealous. So I just avoided her and when she grabbed me, I snapped."

"I understand, Scarlett I think you have a slight crush on her."

"What? I don't think I do."

"Scarlett, please do not do the thing you always do." She sight, giving me a eye roll.

"What thing?"

"You always deny when you like someone and always end up hurting them and yourself."

"I do not."

"Yes you do."

"No I-" she glared at me. "Okay maybe I do.."

"Figure out what you want and soon."she pays my shoulder before standing up and getting ready to leave

"Where are you going?" I ask confused, she was meant to stay the night.

"I have to comfort my baby sister and tell her that she did nothing wrong." She sighs and when she sees my panicked face she takes a deep breath. "Don't worry I'm not going to tell her about this. Just figure out your feelings before you hurt her, because you may be my best friend but she's my sister I'm going to pick her."

She gives me a small smile before leaving.

I don't have a crush on Amber, do I?

I mean i just met her, is it to early.

Will she even like me back, this is all a crazy mess.

What I do know is I need to apologize.

Not proof read
1554 words

I want it all if you let me~ scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now