Chapter 4

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I had seen her peek over the railing.

"She looks so frightened..." I thought. I was going to see if she needed anything, but decided to give her some time. "She just had a random boy walk into a bedroom, not knowing where she is and cry and plead her to remember him..."

She must think that I am insane.

I looked at the picture of me with Rin hugging my neck.(Chapter pic) "I wonder why she forgot..." I whispered. I decided to let her explore for a while.She tried to close the bathroom door softly, but that door is loud. When I heard her gasp, I knew it was because of the size of it. Everyone gasps when they see it.

(30 Minutes Later)

I was just falling asleep when I heard a loud thud. I jerked up and with wide eyes I some how just knew that she had tripped over the step stool I had left in the middle of the bathroom floor. I ran up the stairs to the bathroom.


Before I knew it, I was falling to the ground. As I was falling I tried to stop my self and tripped over an edge of the bathtub. My head was going straight for the sharp edge of the step stool and I thought

"This is it, I am going to die in a home I have never seen before, and that boy is going to dump me in a lake, after molesting my dead body and my family will never know what happened to there baby girl...." I closed my eyes and waited for the end....

(Sorry for ruining the moment, but I had to make this one a little shorter to make Chapter 5 better.)

Forgetful Love RIN X LEN KAGAMINEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن