Chapter 14 - Bearing Trials

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Midway [1]

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[ASF Capitol Columbus, Prince Office | Aurora City, Aurora - ASF Capital World]
<< Third PoV | June 26, 2409. 0748 Hour (Aurora Timezones)>>

The scenery opens in a dark but lighted room of an office room with various media equipment but the major ones are the teleprompter directly at Mobile's desk while the man himself is ready with a team working on making him look seamless as possible.

Mobile: That's enough.

He said as the crew is getting fixed but every way they did it wasn't right and it slowly irritated him as he hold a mirror in his hand too. To solve this he move his arm and hand and placed it on the shoulder of one of the crew personnel as went that happen they realized that it was enough and began to make a hasty packing before leaving and having the crown prince face the camera.


Just as they leave, Mobile hands the mirror back before he turns around and faces the camera with its red light at the side and the desk's inbuilt light bulb configure to a broadcast setting for a formal event. The room was still dark on one side and small lighting on the other behind the desk through the window.

Watabe Naomi: Broadcast in ten seconds...

She said as she is now stationed at the communication console counting down at a time with the director alongside her. While this Thoma is looking at the security feed outside the office and Koharu with a copy of the pre-made speech.

Watabe Naomi: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Signal by her hand the light began to glow highlighting the front part of the table and Mobile is seating behind looking at the camera directly. While the ambient inside the office was calm - out was a mix of majorly curiosity, doubt, hope, and pride - for years now many within wanted someone new who will lead a country toward a path of survival and defiance all watch from all monitor and screen in the entire ASF and their allies.

Mobile: I speak to you here today, for the first time as Crown Prince during the solum time of our history in this early year of the century. About a week ago - our Starfleet allies and USNA have fallen to an attack by a combination of Siren-led fleet with their allies at Pearl Harbor on Earth. 

Various audience was in shock as word of the Klingon-Federation War, and ASF-DRF War was now common and hardly recognized by populists that were the norms. Until 2403 at the Gothic Sector and Van-Fleet Starzone - Raiding and various disappearance happen all over the two sections by an unknown assailant that been the Siren. With this fact and added that he said in calming tones as he can, while Koharu is reading the copy of the script the handwriting was chaotic with few able to make a word to a paragraph but Koharu knew where he was going.

Mobile: While this doesn't concern the head of some until three days ago. The siren has reached our system with the DRF alongside it. With the war of Federation Starfleet and Klingon Imperial spreading to it other regions, sectors, or even your homes - tell me or tell yourself... do you accept that as a result?

The broadcast can be seen publicly as in both video and audio many hear what he is saying - the Scene show where Admiral Lohangramm and Captian Kirches looking at the terminal located at the building lobby along with his colleagues watching closely on both the monitor of the broadcast and the security of the building.

Mobile: As for me - the answer is no. We will not let the expansion of war go further to our land, we'll not tolerate further loss in terms of life, and we'll not forgive those who's been taken from us.

The tone has been changed as the emphasis on the rejection of accepting the war expanding into their space to top-up the current situation such as the DRF and Siren as well as the internal and vile chaos that appears in various worlds. The scene also showcases the ESD at the station operation where Admiral Quinn and his two commanders with their staff watch the live feed from the capital. 

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