Chapter 12 - Mirage in House

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Seige [2]

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[Aurora, Capital of Azura Stellar Fleetwork | Third PoV | Ten Years Ago]

In the far reaches of stars within their home sector, 16 light years away from Earth and in conjunction with the planet Vulcan or between the distance of Sol and Andoria. A plant under human allies in the early 21st century as Gliese 832 c was one of the desired destinations for humanity to explore but this will later become the core of a new nation within.

Time is waiting for anyone as history has shown three major disasters happen and it was only a year apart - one was in 2384 in Sol as Starfleet was infected by an unknown virus, the second was in 2399 the Synth attack at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard and last was the infamous Undine Scandle that culminated into the Third Klingon-Federation War.

*Ta-Vrum-Vrum* *Ta-Brrrt*

Over the planet and in orbit several ships for both ASF and DRF are now engaging in a fierce conflict with the ship that was currently engaging with a number of 20 roughly on both sides. Both sides fielded their own arsenal of ships, soldiers, fighters, weapons, engines, and more - rattle in blitz and erupted the entire field as this isn't the only front that is going on.

ASF Carrier: All ship, this is the Hercules - Maintain formation and deploy all fighters. Battleship Winter Storm and Cruiser New Genesis - take the initiative and set your position at their port side and fire full salvo on continued burst. The Dune and Kingdom will cover you.

ASF Winter Storm: Copy - Storm is taking the New Genesis to a new position.

*Ta-Bang-Bang* *Ree-TataTa*

ASF New Genesis: Acknowledge, Command Hercules follows Winter Storm at their 4'o clock.

ASF Dune: Moving to

The battle shift with ASF ship that was present at the time in combat will identify with classes list as follows: 2 Nova-class carriers, 3 Imperium-class battleships, 4 Winter-class Cruiser, 4 Hyperion-class Frigate, 5 Saint-class destroyers, and 6 Polaris-class corvettes total at 24.

- ASF Hercules and Leviathan (Nova-class carrier)
- ASF Winter Storm, Deucalion, and Marvel (Imperium-class battleship)
- ASF Agamannon, New Genesis, Starhawk, and Trigger (Winter-class Cruiser)
- ASF Varna, Sunset, Wakanda, and Honda (Hyperion-class Frigate)
- ASF Dune, William, Kingdom, Wales, and Wataru (Saint-class destroyer)
- ASF Seoul, Kore, Mantle, Sharon, Hanoi, and Rejoice (Polaris-class Corvette)

Meanwhile, their opponent fielded several modular ships as well as their dedicated warship both listed, identify, and classed as follows; 1 Battle Turtle-class dreadnought, 2 Scorch-class light cruisers, 8 Silverstream-class heavy corvettes, 3 Gates-class heavy destroyers, 2 Athena-class frigates, 2 Star Hopper-class cruiser, 2 Husk-class Corvette, and 1 Experimental MKVI-Type Warship. Some of the ships in the DRF managed to be identified by the ASF and they become an absolute menace during the confrontation in orbit of the planet.

- DRF Sound of Clang (Battle Turtle-class dreadnought)
- DRF Daredevil Strike and Shatter Box (Scorch-class light cruisers)
- DRF Star Bomb and Enigma Drawn (Star Hopper-class cruiser)
- DRF Gatekeeper, Oath Arbiter, and Shadow Band (Gates-class heavy destroyers)
- DRF Marxist Norks (Experimental MKVI-Type Warship)

Azur Lane: Knight [Lost Brother TRS] (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora