She takes one step. He takes one step. Miraculously. Thankfully.

Somehow they manage to make it all the way to the door of his room like that. With Regulus just focusing on her shoes, not letting his thoughts stray. Not letting himself pay attention to rest of the world.

"Hey Reg?" Cerci says softly—so softly Regulus wouldn't have thought it possible for the human voice to sound like that. "We're here?" she says after they spend several moments standing still, Regulus not lifting his gaze.

When he does finally look at the door he feels the panic return, listening to the sounds of Evan and Barty bickering. He'll need to get past them. Need to lock himself in the bathroom where he can lose it in peace. He knows it won't be that simple of course, that Evan will want to talk to him, because he always wants to talk, and Barty will get growly if he hogs the bathroom for too long. He doesn't want to be around either of them but he doesn't know where else to go.

"Give me a minute," Cerci says suddenly, causing Regulus to jump as he looks over at her. But she's already moving, pushing through the door into the dorm room and leaving Regulus thoroughly confused.

There's silence for a second and then shouting. Regulus can't really make out the words, his brain still fuzzy, the sound of static still loud in his ears. After what feels like ages but is probably only ten minutes at most, the door swings open viciously and Barty marches out fuming, not even looking at Regulus as he stalks down the hallway. Following after is a much more content looking Evan, who shoots Regulus a wide grin when he sees him.

"Go get her champ," he says, clapping Regulus on the shoulder as he passes, causing every atom in Regulus's body to scream. Luckily Evan doesn't stop, doesn't hear the way Regulus starts gasping like he's just been held under water.

For some reason he still doesn't go inside the room. Probably because his brain is broken. Just stands there in the hallway trying not to collapse. Eventually Cerci comes to the door, opening it wide for him.

"It's okay," she says, without pity or disgust. "It's empty."

Regulus doesn't know how she knew what he needed but he can't ask, nodding because that seems to be the one form of communication he can manage at the moment. He walks in and quickly sits down on his bed, dropping his head between his knees and taking in big gulps of air.





"Do you want me to leave?" Cerci asks.

"No," Regulus's voice surprises him. Not just because it crackles and whines, like he's been screaming it raw. But also because of what it says. No. He hadn't realized he wanted her here until this moment.

"Okay," she says softly and he listens to the sound of her walking over to the bed next to him—Evan's—and sitting down.





"Did you tell them we were going to shag?" he somehow manages to ask, head still down.

Cerci laughs, it's a comforting sound. "No," she says. "But I may have heavily implied it. Hope that's okay."

Regulus snorts, sitting up slowly and wiping at his eyes which he finds are frustratingly damp. When he meets Cerci's stare there's nothing pitying about it and he's grateful.

"Thank you," Regulus manages eventually.

Cerci offers him a gentle smile. "Of course."


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