chapter 11 - dread

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck do you want from me, man? I'm too hung over to argue." I tightened my grip on the door because I didn't trust him at all. I didn't know his intentions, he was hard to read.

"I came her to apologise too." He pulled away from the doorframe, crossing his arms as he looked at the floor. "What I said was so low. I had a few drinks. I'm not normally like that, swear."

He sounded sincere. But that isn't excusable.

"You hurt my feelings. You hurt me and my boyfriends feelings. Why should I forgive you?" I asked, more calm this time, but still that disappointed tone. The kind a parent has when they're lecturing you.

"You don't have to. I just wanted to tell you while I still had the chance." He shrugged hopelessly, looking back down at his muddy, blood red converse.

I stared at him in silence. I knew nothing about this dude, other than his name is Dylan, definitely an attendee of the college we went to for that party, and he seems like an ass.

"Also, tell your boyfriend I said sorry to him too. I like metal myself, actually."

When I said this, I arched a brow. What kind of metal fan would say the kind of thing he did to Larry last night, drunk or not?

"What's your favourite metal band?" I asked, trying to sound interested, but I just wanted to tell if he was lying or not.

"Erm..." He stammered. "Does Blink-182 count?"

"Oh my God, bye, Dylan." I tried to slam the door in his face, but he easily opened it back up.

"Wait, wait, wait!" He exclaimed, opening the door to my aggravated face. "That was obviously a joke...Heh. My favourite metal band is...Metallica."

"Right..." I squinted at him, still not believing him by how he hesitated, but there was no point in querying him further. "Can I go now?" I complained.

"Can we start over? You seem cool and I want to give us a chance." He explained.

I looked at him, trying to read if he was being sincere. He seemed to be. What would giving him my number hurt? If he starts to annoy me, i'll just remove his contact. Surely it'll get him to get off my back about this.

"Fine." I sighed, opening my phone and giving it to him, specifically to add my number. I'll be able to tell if he starts rummaging through anything else that isn't his business. But he seemed to be dialling his number in like he's supposed to. After he pressed several buttons, he gave it back to me. I looked down at the contact.

'dylan :)' Is what he dialled himself in to be. What a dork.

I looked up at him while flipping my phone shut. "Satisfied?"

"Very." He smiled at me. "I'll get out of your hair now. Text you later."

I didn't even bother to say goodbye. I slammed the door in his face and turned around, grumbling under my breath. Though, I did find it quite funny he though Blink-182 is a metal band.

Once I looked up, I saw Larry, already standing in his bedroom doorframe at my surprise.

"Oh. Hey, Larry." I said surprised.

He looked rough, I probably did too. The black eyeliner he had on his waterline last night was smudged broadly underneath his bottom eyelashes, and his hair was extremely messy. His facial hair was rough looking, and it looked like his drunken self couldn't be bothered to change last night, because he was in just his boxers. But the most noticeable thing, was his expression. It was intimidating. Like the one he had when looking at Dylan last night. He must've been standing there while I was speaking to him.

dirty thoughts and sweet feelings - larry johnson x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now