chapter 1 - over a joint

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Word count: 4758

Your P.O.V

God, I knew moving would be tiring, but not this tiring. I've just about gotten all of my stuff in my new apartment. Piles upon piles of boxes were flooding my new living room. Did I really need to bring this much? I couldn't have left anything behind, hell no. Most of these things are valuable or close to my heart. I never planned on getting rid of any of this. Though, I really didn't feel like unpacking right now. Moving in each box tired me out completely to the point where I felt like it was necessary to glue my eyelids open. I'll probably just run to a nearby store, get some food to eat, come back, eat, then sleep. I'll just sleep on my mattress tonight. There's no way in hell I can assemble a whole bed in my fatigued state like this. It's impossible.

I scooped up my car keys from my jacket pocket and made my way out of my apartment door. I wasn't looking forward to leaving the warmth of this building since outside was aggressively pouring down with rain. But to my luck, the rain started its work as soon as I finished getting all of my boxes in, so that meant no soggy clothes or belongings. I also wasn't sure on where the nearest 24 hour store was. It was late right about now, around 10pm, nearly 11 according to my wrist watch. I needed a store that sells decent food and is open at this hour. I'll probably find one. It can't be that hard, right? Upon making my way further on down the hallway, I arrived at the elevator and pressed down on the button to summon it. I hummed a little tune under my breath as I could hear the raggedy elevator clink and clang as it made it's way up. I lived on floor 4, which wasn't so bad. The apartments were quiet from what I could tell, even when I made my way in earlier on today when I thought i'd see at least a little bit of activity going on. The only person that interacted with me and that I saw was this strange man that spoke to me through his mail slot. He claimed to be the landlord of this apartment, he seemed really sweet. I found it odd that he spoke to me through a mail slot though, maybe it was an insecurity thing. I didn't ask, and I let it slide to be polite. I avoid an awkward conversation whenever I possibly can, and me asking such a personal question was practically a social death trap.

The elevator doors opened slowly, making me cringe at the almost agonising sound of the ancient elevator doors trying their best to open fully. When they did, I stepped in, one foot after another. Turning my heel, I clicked the ground floor button with my index. I once again gritted my teeth together at the screeching metal doors making a close. It sounded like nails scratching on a chalkboard. Man, that's gonna get annoying real fast. The elevator began to ascend, releasing loud metallic noises while trying its hardest to reach my wanted destination. After 10-20 seconds, I arrived. The doors slowly screeching open once again making me groan instantly. As soon as the gap in the doors was big enough, I squeezed past them to get out. I didn't have the energy to stand there until they fully opened, the noises the elevator made while trying its hardest to function were painful.

I made my way to the exit of the apartment building to make my way out into the brutal rain storm, but I stopped.

"Hey. You're new here, right?" I heard a masculine voice from behind me. It sent a shiver up my spine. the voice was deep, and raspy, very attractive too. I turned my head and my eyebrows raised in slight shock of what I was seeing. There stood a very tall, handsome man with long, brown locks and smooth caramel skin, accompanied with alluring deep brown pupils which sat a pretty birthmark underneath one of them. Looking down slightly, he wore a shirt with the letters "SF" crudely printed in the middle. Over it he wore a large, black leather jacket, as well as tight jeans and platform boots. The outfit suited his overall vibe very well.

"Yeah, I am." I gave a polite smile, fully turning my body to face the man before me.

"The name's Larry. Larry Johnson." He gave a slight smile, his tooth gap on full show. My heart slightly fluttered at his grin. It was sort of cute. Before I knew it, he stretched out his rather large hand in front of me. I reached mine back out, shaking his hand gently before pulling away. His hand was huge compared to mine, I thought.

dirty thoughts and sweet feelings - larry johnson x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now