chapter 9 - healing a wound

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CW // Descriptions of violence, mention of self harm, mentions of abuse, mentions of suicide.

Word count: 6564

Your P.O.V:

"Once he came onto me, I...I, uhm...I—Fuck, I'm sorry, I-"

"It's okay, Y/N. Take your time. We have all the time in the world."

"Alright. I...I...stabbed him. In the throat."

"And many times did you stab his throat?"


"And you claim Brett would harass you non-stop?"


"How did he end up in your hotel room?"

"I...don't know. I woke up, and he was s...standing over me. With a—with a knife. But when I left, the door handle looked broken."

"Okay. There's a few of our guys that are investigating the scene right now, so we'll have answers for you soon. But one other thing. How did you get ahold of the knife you used on Brett?"

"It was on the bedside table. I knew Brett wouldn't give up...A-And I knew he'd find me again, so...I felt vulnerable. Even if I didn't have to use it, I felt safer with it near me."

"Where was your boyfriend in all of this? You said he was in the room with you."

"I was in the bathroom. I was taking a shower. I didn't expect the visit. He must've found a way to know when I wasn't in the room, so he could attack Y/N."

"Alright...Now, Y/N, usually we'd have to take this to court, because we'd have no way of knowing if you did it in self defence or not. But looking at Brett's criminal record, as well as the claim you put in yesterday evening...You will face no charges. Does Brett have family? Friends? Anyone that could attempt to press charges?"

"Family. But I doubt they'd press charges. Brett and them lost touch."

"Lost touch?"

"Because of his drug use, and because of the way he was."

"Anybody else for us to reach out to to say that he's gone?"

"No. He didn't have anyone."

"And I understand that's probably what made it hard to leave him?"


"Mhm. Thank you for sharing, Y/N. I can understand that this is hard for you. I think we're done here. If we have further questions, we'll get in touch."

I got most of the blood off with the damp cloth those interrogators provided me. But some blood splatters were tougher to get off my skin. They wouldn't wipe off. They were like a torment that wouldn't go away.

'Why did you kill him? You could've let him stab you. He loved you. You filthy murderer.'

The things I'd do to make it stop.

I arose from where I sat once my boyfriend got up beside me. The squealing of the metal chair sliding across the tile floor made my ears hurt, but I was unfazed.

I felt a hand wrap around mine, and from the feel of the crevices and shape of said hand, I knew it was Larry.

We left the interrogation room, Larry having to drag me along because I'd do nothing more but shuffle my feet across the ground.

Once we took a turn to the reception, I saw many familiar faces. One came over immediately, crying and instantly embracing me.

"Oh, sweetheart—" Lisa sobbed while stroking my blood stained hair. I just stood there, letting her lint free cardigan sleeves wrap around me like a soft blanket.

dirty thoughts and sweet feelings - larry johnson x female readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant