15 • Studying, like together ? • 15

Start from the beginning

"Can you believe that." Taylor said, "We've just had one test. Now we're having another?" Taylor groaned. "I need my sleep. Don't teachers get that?" Taylor said, referring to her inability to sleep when we had exams.

"I know," I nodded, looking to Taylor who was playing with her braid nervously. "We could study together or something." I suggested.

Taylor's eyes lit up. "Yes! What about next Tuesday? We can study at mine. Jason's home for a bit as my parents are going away tomorrow — I can ask him to pick us up?"

I smiled. "Yes, that sounds good."

"Wonderful. I'll see you at lunch." Taylor said and walked away.

I said goodbye to Taylor before I headed in the direction of my locker to put away my English books and collect my History textbook. However, as I was walking, I heard someone call my name. I ignored them, but when someone grabbed my arm, I was forced to turn around.

I turned to see that Harry was the one that had chased after me. I raised my eyebrow slightly and kept walking. Just because Harry Lakewood decided he had something to say to me, didn't mean I was going to drop everything and be late to my next class. However, it seemed Harry wasn't aware of that. Harry didn't let me walk away and instead he fell into step with me.

"You want something, don't you?" I said, heading to my locker.

The corner of Harry's lip twitched upwards slightly like he wanted to smirk but was stopping himself as if he was trying to seem nice. He wanted something.

"What makes you say that, Charlie?"

We stopped in front of my locker, and I put the combination in, opening it.

"I don't know, the way you've walked me to my locker or perhaps how you just called me Charlie. So, tell me, Harry. Do you want something or is there a first time for everything and this just happens to be a first?"

Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "Fine, Charlotte. You've caught me." He said as I put my English books into my locker. I smiled, knowing i had him figured out. "Look, I need a C in English. The Great Gatsby was easy, but I haven't read or even seen the movie of To Kill a Mocking bird. As I've been told you're the English expert in our family, I thought we could go through it together? so what do you say? Could you help me out?"

I looked at Harry in shock. I never would have expected him to ask me for help. I would have thought he'd care too much about his pride for that, but I guess I was wrong.

I raised my eyebrows in amusement. "Is the great Harry Lakewood really asking me for help?" I asked, smirking. "You're the same guy I've just spent the last hour watching being smug about a test that I have been stressing about."

Harry shrugged slightly, "I've seen the Great Gatsby a million times. it's not that hard."

"Seen it? You were supposed to read it."

I shook my head like I was surprised, but I shouldn't have been. So far, I hadn't ever seen him show interest in putting effort to his academic work.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Same thing." He told me. "So, can you help me out?"

I closed my locker and looked at him with raised eyebrows. Harry was asking me for a favour that could help us get on better. Getting on with my stepbrother's was exactly the kind of thing my Mom was wanting from me. It was what I could use to make sure I stay in Long Shore if that's what I decide I want.

I sighed, when I saw the hopefulness in his hazel eyes and I could feel myself caving. I'd been tolerating Harry lately and he'd been tolerating me. Harry wasn't happy about it, but he'd let me ride with him and his brothers to school and back. He'd let it happen without going out of his way to stop it. I suppose that's a good sign? I knew we weren't friends, but who was I to sabotage our slight progress?

"Fine." I said, "Me and Taylor are studying tonight at hers next Tuesday. I'll ask her if you can come." I offered.

I wasn't about to rearrange my plans for him. If he wanted my help, he had to fit into the plans I'd already made with my friends.

"Miss perfect?" Harry said, raising his eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes. "Taylor, Taylor Thornton. One of my best friends."

Harry nodded. "I know who she is, but can't we do it at our house?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't dictate my plans, Harry. You're the one that wanted to study together. I'm studying at hers tonight, you up for it or not?"

"Yeah, sure." Harry said and Harry thanked me, and I walked away, rolling my eyes.

Harry had it in him to be nice, but it was only when he wanted something.

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