Demon Back: The muscle on his back well give shape of a face of a Demon. Giving a massive power up.

Mahapadma: Able to Freeze time itself for as long as he wants to.

Heat vision: Heat vision can expanded to
encompass anything within his sight. Heat
vision can reach temperature hotter than the sun. And with precision heat vision can reach microscopic level invisible to the human eye. Which means he can fry your brain just by looking at your eyes.

Amaterasu: A type of black flames that it can even burn fire itself, that includes Dragon Fire, Hell Fire, Heavenly Fire, God Fire, Celestial Fire, Titan Fire, Dark Fire, Chaos Fire, It can even burn away the sun itself.

Revenge Counter: After absorbing enough
damage and realize it in one powerful blast attack or hit. The more damage he absorb the more powerful the attack becomes.

Limit X Break. This power breaks his limit is
desperate moments. And gives him a purple
aura. In those desperate moments this power
will increase everything he has times. By his
own will he can increase everything he has by
100× However the more desperate the
moment is the more power increases he
gains. Which means it's possible he could get
a power increases of 1,000x or even 10.000x
or greater than that. If he gain a power
increases of more than 20× his hair and eyes
well slowly turn purple.

Ki control: Ki is metaphysical, made up of things such a vigor,courage, and being in one's true mind. It's basically a kind of natural life force energy and is a fundamental component of Daoist medicine and martial arts. Because of his able to shoot powers Ki blast from his own hands. He favorite blast attack is named Final Kamehameha.

Ultra Instinct: By separating the consciousness from the body, allowing the body to move on it's on and fight independent of a martial artist's thought and emotions this ability will turn his eyes and hair silver.

Jungle Fury: Able to take control over the
animal kingdom and gaining all of their
animalistic powers.

Dragon Force: By taping into his dragon
heritage, gaining a power boost of 10,000x. This well also give him a more sharp look. It would also make him more aggressive.

Ruler: It allows him to invert almost all types of attacks and powers effect used against him. Almost all types of attacks and weakness are converted into healing and fortifications.

Drain touch: Able to drain energy and
stamina from touching his opponents. The
more he drains the stronger he gets and his
opponents become weaker. If he drains too
much he could kill his target. He can turn this
ability on and off anything he wants.

Nega Genesis: Able to overwrite the world itself. If you get caught in that expanding field of space centred around him, it's all over for you.

Primeval: Turning his surroundings back in
time, to the primordial era. Giving him a
massive power increase. Not only that. The
creature of that era well attack his enemies
and protect him.

God Slayer Magic: Since Mafiens are God killers they made their own slaying magic to kill any type of Gods and can use any type of magic. It can also work on any creature.

Omni Slayer Magic: Another slaying Magic that the Mafiens created and like with God Slayer it can kill Gods easily with just a blink but this is made to kill Omni Beings, Deities, Creatures and much more. It can also give the Mafiens to take away Omni Beings' powers and abilities.

Mafien Elements: Because he is part Mafien and Mafiens have unique and strange elemental abilities of their own. Kakashi's elements are Chaos, Inferno, Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Electricity, Light, Shadow, Beast, Phoenix, Dragon, Radiation, Metal, Demonic, Wrath, Anger, Speed, Strength, Sound, Healing, Evolution, Copy, Durability, Toughness, Herrscher, Honkai and Ki.

Guihun: Guihun (鬼グイ魂フン, Guifun; lit. "Demon Spirit") is the Wu Clan's name for Removal. The technique allows the user to unleash their latent power by removing the psychological limits from their brain. Theoretically, anyone can remove their limits with this technique, but only the Wu and the Kure have bred for generations to unleash one's full strength without harming or killing one's self.

 Theoretically, anyone can remove their limits with this technique, but only the Wu and the Kure have bred for generations to unleash one's full strength without harming or killing one's self

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Wu Style

Huisheng: Huisheng (回フイ生シュン, Fuishun; lit. "Resurrection") is the "secret of secrets" of the Wu. This oral tradition was sealed away by both the Wu and Kure during the split, with only the Westward Faction still practicing it. The inculcation of the memories of a person into another person, Huisheng requires both a very young "connector" (or receiver) and a speaker who has a close blood relationship with them.

(He basically has the same powers and abilities as Kurayami)

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