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Arianna Hailey Bennett

(i don't really know what to do with new newborns so we time skipping)

2 months later

"ahhhh" i woke out my sleep hearing baby's crying.

"babe go get them." Trey said tapping me.

"no nigga i carried them u go get them." i said pushing his hand away.

"you know damn well i ain't getting them go ahead." he said turning over.

"ughhhhh." i groaned getting up. i grabbed a pillow and slammed it on his face before leaving to the girls room. i turned ou the lights and went to Amina's crib first.

"ok Ami." i said starting to get a lil annoyed. i picked her up then went to Lovely's crib.

i picked Lovely up and put her on the floor to have a little tummy time while i changed Ami's diaper. i then got Lovely and changed her as well.

i put her down for tummy time next to her sister before going to find an outfit for them for today. we had a busy day planned ahead of us.

i don't dress the girls up alike because there fraternal twins and not identical.

Ami is a light skin baby and she's a lil more on the chubbier baby side with more hispanic in her. Ami was baby A. now Lovely (aka Mera because her middle name is Amera) is a brown skin baby and she's more on the skinner side due to the complications she had in the womb. Mera was baby B.

i picked out 2 outfits for them and gave them some toys to play with so i could go get Trey up. i walked to our room and tapped him.

"you know we got shit to do today. get your ass up." i said pulling the covers off of him.

he's been a lil helpful now that the baby's are here but i feel he could do more. he was doing good the first month as the second one started it feels. as if he doesn't even care anymore.

"ok Arianna. your doing to fuckin much now." he said getting a attitude snatching the covers back.

i walked back into the girls room going to there bathroom. i turned the tub water on pulling the drain stopper and walked to go under the sink. i got the bubbles and put a little in. i went in the girls room hearing the laughing.

trey was laying on the floor with them throwing them up and down. i smiled at the scenery .

"can take their clothes off and get them ready for a bath." he's whole demeanor changed.

"why do you ask me that?" he sits up with Mera on his lap and Ami beside him.

"ask you what? for help? ok Treyvon never mind."

"you know ion like taking kids clothes off."

"these are OUR kids Treyvon! i don't understand! you can take them bath, change their diapers, or change their clothes! i fell i shouldn't even leave with our kids cs you won't even be able to proper take care of them."

"i don't wanna talk about it arianna. conversation finished." he got up and went to the room slamming the door.

"your daddy finna piss me off." i said to the girls as the started giggling. i grabbed them both going to the bathroom. i put them on the floor and closed the door locking it.

i stopped the water draining a little since trey distracted me. i took their clothes off and put them in letting them play around. i played some low Summer Walker singing to them.

after about 15 i washed them up. i then let them play a lil longer for ant 10 mins before drying them up taking them to the bedroom. i got Ami's outfit lotioning her and then putting her diaper on before her outfit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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