^*•|Ch1: The Wrong Path|•*^

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3rd POV:

"Y/n! Y/n! Come join us tonight!" A blonde female teenager jumped in front of the h/c haired werewolf in front of her.

"Togaaa... Didn't we just go on a raid?" She whined to the vampire.

"Yeah, but I didn't get to see BLOOD."

"Then go cut Shiggs. His skin is gonna crack itself anyways..."

"We both know he'll kill me before I could get a drop..."

"Ugh.. Fine, then go kill something! I'm too tired for this.."

"Hey, are you alright? Normally you wanna come with me."

"Just feel off tonight... I don't know.. I'm turning in for the night." She called.

"Fine. Not my problem." A man littered with staples and piercing, ice blue eyes rolled his eyes, looking out the window. The werewolf scoffed and waved him off before heading to her room. She closed the door and felt her heart racing with anticipation.

"Almost... I'm so close... Just gotta wait till they're asleep... Almost there..." She told herself, gripping the collar of her hoodie(or whatever style you chose). She sighed, sinking to the floor. "I'm almost there... I can finally... be free..."

???'s POV:

I smelled the air, searching for any sign of life that could be the threat. I hand my sword in hand, explosions readying themselves in the other, my eyes darting around for any movement. I smirked, hearing a slight rustling in the bushes. I leapt at the sudden noise and laughed victoriously as I heard the familiar yell and grunt of my dragon, pinning him to the ground.

"Gah! Bakubro, how'd you—"

"You made noise, Sh*tty Hair, how could I not know?"

"Mm..." His whine reminded me of a child, making me scoff and let him go. I looked around, bored, for a moment before I heard a strange sound. It seemed to be a melody to a song I knew all too well... One I probably never should have learnt, but I guess my mother assumed it was a good enough tune to put me to sleep as a kitling.

"Powerless..." (Linkin Park, look it up)

Y/n's POV:

I looked outside my window, gazing up at the stars. I felt compelled to do what I could do best and the only thing that ever kept me sane and happy. Sing.

"You hid your skeletons when I had shown you mine. You woke the devil that I thought you'd left behind... I saw the evidence, the crimson soaking through. Ten thousand promises, ten thousand ways to lose. And you~ held it all~... but you were careless to let it fall~... You~ held it all~... and I was by~ your side~... Powerless..." I peaked outside my bedroom door. Lights out. I heard no sounds. Finally....

"Yes..." I whispered to myself as I quietly closed the door and went over to my window again, still humming and singing to myself. I snatched a crowbar from under my bed and forced it open. My heart pounding at what seemed like two hundred beats per second made it hard for me to keep going, but I was so excited as I was mere footsteps away from freedom.

???'s POV:

I heard a soft whisper coming from Y/n's room. I assumed it was her talking to herself again, but flinched when I heard a metallic sound and a *ka-chunk.*


Y/n's POV:

I heard Patchwork call my name, causing me to panic and jump outside out of instinct. I gasped, feeling the grass on my feet. The midnight breeze felt absolutely amazing against my fur. My breathing quickened and I excitedly ran out into the nearby forest before coming across a trail. I decided to follow it before anyone had the chance to follow me and I found myself running on sand once I reached the edge of the forest.

"Bakubro's" POV:

"Bakubro? Whatcha looking at?" I heard Sh*tty Hair behind me.

"Shut it, it's getting louder, but more panicked." I stretched my arm put behind me, showing him my palm in an attempt to shut him up.

"What is?"

"Someone's singing..."

"Uhm... okay? What is it? Do you recognize it?"

"Yeah, I do. As if I could forget the Old Hag's old song she often used to put my annoying a** to sleep."

"Powerless? Why would someone be singing a song only you and the tribe know?"

"Does it look like I have an idea?"

"Come on, man... This is weird, even for you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just saying, you're paying a lot of attention to a song you haven't even heard since you were a kitling."

"Of course I am! If it's getting closer, then that someone could be trespassing."

"You got a point there... But maybe they're just—" I heard a yelp nearby and swiftly pulled my sword from it's holster, ready for battle. I froze when I saw the h/c female just below the sandy hill me and Kiri were training.

"What the.." I widened my eyes when I saw she had black wolf ears with a matching black tail. The f/c markings that coated her fur told me she was a high-level werewolf, but there was no way.

"U-uhm... Could you direct me to the nearest civilization?" Her voice was commanding, yet timid.

"And why should I, Puppy?" I scoffed.

"Wow, I finally meet someone I don't have to kill and it turns out he's rude and wants nothing to do with me? Great hospitality, really." The sarcastic tone in her voice made me clench my teeth.

"Why you little.." I was ready to throw hands when damn Sh*tty Hair held me back.

"The nearest civilization isn't for a few miles. We were actually about to head there anyways, so why don't we take you with us? If it's alright with you, of course."


"Kirishima, what the hell do you think you're doing..." I growled under my breath.

"She's lost, Bakugo, the least we could do is help her out a little." He whispered back to me. I growled and rolled my eyes. "Come on! We'll make sure you're treated properly. Those wounds need to be checked and telling by the dirt coating your figure, I can only assume you're on the run from something?"

"You could tell all that from a few scars and dirt?" One of her ears flopped over itself as she tilted her head.

"Well, it isn't that uncommon here, heheh." The way he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck was irritating.

"Kirishima, she is not coming back with us. What do you think the tribe is gonna do when we show up with some random werewolf all of a sudden? They haven't seen one in moons, if not seasons!"

"Well, I am on the run, but I can take 'em. I haven't traveled that far anyway, so thanks a lot!" Her smile made me cringe, more so when Kirishima sent one right back, his sharp teeth glistening in the moonlight.

"Sure thing! It wouldn't be very manly of me to just leave you on your own."

"Oi! Are you ignoring me?! Don't you dare try to disobey my orders!" I shouted in anguish.

"You hungry?" Kirishima offered a small fruit he was saving in his pocket for later after our training session, the furball happily accepting it.

"Yeah, actually. I don't eat very often anymore, since I'm constantly being dragged off to join in raids or whatever." She took a bite and her ears perked up, her tail almost instantaneously lashing back and forth. "Whoa! Damn, where'd you get this?!" She bit down again, more hungrily than the first timex

"I'm glad you like it! We have more back at our camp, if you want."

"Really? Thanks, uhh..."

"Kirishima Eijirou! But you can call me Kiri."

"Okay, Kiri!" 

"Ugh... what in the name of the Gods has Kiri gotten us into..." I muttered to myself as I followed the two dumba**es back to our camp, where my tribe awaited our arrival from our nightly training session.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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