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Just by the title you guys must be aware that this part is about a new story that I am going to publish. Actually there are two stories but here we will talk about only one, so lets say its the Time Travel story which has Karn (but you can tell if you want it to be somebody else) as the love interest and dont worry it will be a lot more different than my previous story Drishti.

To get to know of your opnion, I first need to know what tropes would you like the story to be based on,

1. Friends to Lovers?

2. Enemies to Lovers?

3. Grumpy × Sunshine?

4. Grumpy × Grumpy?

5. Sunshine × Sunshine?

6. One of them to be deeply in love while the other hating with passion?

7.  Love at first sight?

8. Age Gap :- Now this is the section where we have no choice, there's always a decade or so difference between the couple and we cant do anything about it because that's how old the characters from the original story are.

But still a question,

Do you like age gap or not?

8. Other:- Any trope that is not mentioned above or you want to add, do enlighten me.

Whichever category gets the more votes the story will be based on that 😉

Also one more thing to tell you guys....

The first part of the new book based on Time Travel will be published when my book Drishti reached 100k reads!!! So share it as much as you can💕


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