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So as you guys know a really intense phase has started in Drishti's life, Karn has agreed to marry Vrushali and obviously Drishti will be heartbroken.

There are lots of opinion I have been getting about this such as,

1. Karn should not marry Vrushali.

2. Drishti should be Karn's only wife.

3. There should be no polygamy.

4. Drishti and Karn should end of together.

And etc...

I am sure most of you agree to the above statements but I want to ask you one thing that,

What will be the fun of story if the protagonist will get everything she wants and will face no hardships?

I personally believe Drishti is a strong character and everyone should witness her other side as well which is about strength, betrayal, grief and all of that. What will be the fun if everything will happen in favour of her? How will you get to know her adventures of life? Her story is not all about romance, that is just a strong and maybe a major part of her story.

There should be things which should surprise, shock and confuse the readers then only the book will be exciting. Okay I am putting forward a few situations and you tell me what you feel about them, 

1. What if Karn marries Vrushali and not Drishti but still their relationship continues?

2. What if Karn married both Drishti and Vrushali?

3. What if Drishti and Vrushali share a friendly relation with each other while being Karn's co-wives?

4. What if Drishti and Karn dont end up together but what they have between them is more than a lovestory?

Do tell me how you feel about all these situations I would love to know. And what I believe and want for the two of them will be known to you as I publish more and more chapters because that's what I think will be a right interpretation to the story. But that still doesnt mean I dont care about your opnion and wishes, I always try to do what you want but if it conflicts with the actual storyline that I have decided then I have to take the harder and unlikable step.

Please comment and share your views and let me know how can I make the story better in your opnion if it is in my range...

Yours truly,

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