T H I R T Y • N I N E

Start from the beginning

"Tell me what?" I ask in a whisper.

Steve brushes the hair out of my face again, before looking into my eyes. I see tears beginning to well up in his.

"I... Charlee, I..."

"Cut!" Shawn yells out.

I blink my eyes, as Joe drops his hands from my face. He runs his hand through his hair and exhales.

"Fuck, sorry guys," Joe apologises for ruining the take.

"Don't worry, It happens," Shawn says, brushing off the mistake.

We run through the scene again, until Steve is holding my face, looking into my eyes again.

"Tell me what?" I ask in a whisper.

Steve opens his mouth, and pauses as he stares at me.

"Charlee..." He whispers.

My eyes grow wide, as I hear Joe say my name again, and he throws his head back as he realises his mistake.

"Don't worry! We can go again," Shawn yells out.

Joe shakes his head, and walks off. Leaving me standing there and watching him.

Shawn follows him, and I see Joe shaking his head at him.

Natalia walks over to me, and gently places her hand on my arm.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"I've ruined everything," I tell her flatly.

She shakes her head and goes to open her mouth, probably in protest, but I continue before she can try and comfort me with half truths and lies.

"I've ruined my friendship with Joe, my relationship with him, and now I'm ruining the show. How many times has filming been delayed because of me?" I ask.

I place my face in my hands, feeling overwhelmed by the gravity of what my decisions and fears have done, how they've affected the people around me.

Natalia gently takes my hands in her own, and pulls them away from my face, forcing me to look at her as she speaks.

"Shit happens. This is life. There's consequences for every action we take, and we absolutely cannot predict and mitigate every single possible outcome. Don't let what's happened consume you, just find a way to move forward. Besides, we're not behind on production, you deliver your lines in one take so often, it basically balances things out," Natalia reassures me.

I absorb her words, but can't find a way to believe them. I have to take responsibility for what my actions have caused, I don't know how I can forgive myself for what's happened.

I look over to Joe, and see him talking to Shawn still. His hands on his hips, as he shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. He glances over at me, and our eyes lock. My lips involuntarily press themselves together in worry, and he stares at me for a moment, before saying something to Shawn and walking away.

Shawn comes over to Natalia and I, and lets us know that filming is done for the day, and he'll let us know when we are to reshoot the scene.

Method Acting || Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now