As two people pasts Lincoln's stand, he busts out his walkie-talkie.

Lincoln:Clyde, time to put Operation Pretend You've Never Met Me and Are Really Interested in My Stuff So Other People Will Buy It and Also Think of A Shorter Name For This Operation into action.

Clyde:Sorry, my walkie cut out. Can you repeat that?

Lincoln groans

Lincoln:Just get over here.

He notices a customer picking up his helmet.

Lincoln:Excellent choice, sir.Not only is that some state-of-the-art head protection...

He flips the helmet upside down also doubles as a soup bowl.


he customer puts the helmet back and turns to leave but gets startled when Clyde shows up.

Clyde:Whoa. Is this a genuine bowl-met?I've searched every garage sale in the state for one of these. How much do you want for it?

Lincoln:Hmm...five bucks.

Clyde:I'll give you ten.

Male Customer #1 takes back the helmet

Male Customer #1:Actually, I was about to buy that.

He pays Lincoln and walks off with the helmet.


Lincoln rings a bell and writes something on the chalkboard.

Lincoln:Excellent work, Clyde.

Clyde:Thanks, Lincoln, for your next customer, I thought I'd break out the old English accent.Hullo, luv.

Lincoln:Sweet.No way my sisters are gonna be able to compete with me.

Clyde:I wouldn't be so sure. Looks like they've got some game too.

Lana at her stand

Lana:Exotic reptiles for sale!

A snake bites the customer's nose, causing him to flee.

Lana:Snake bite kits for sale!

Male Customer #2 comes back holding his nose in pain

Male Customer #2:Sold!

Lexi:Able to help you stretch out more.Stretching Band for Sale!

Female Customer #1:I'll take it.

Lucy:Candles. Cobwebs. Cauldrons.

Flip walks past


Lucy takes out her crystal ball

Lucy:Free psychic reading with every purchase.

Flip:Free?Well, now you're speaking my language, little Psychic Girl. What's your cheapest item?

Lucy holds out a tiny skull with a candle in it and Flip takes it.

Lucy:And now, look into your future.

She gazes into her crystal ball

Lucy:Hmm.Business will be booming.

Flip chortles

Lisa:Expired chemicals!Buy one get one free!

Flip:Oh, did I hear free?

Lily speaks babble to another baby as she sells him an acorn.Leni is seen trying to sell the garage to a young couple.

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