Chapter 14- What's been said and done: pt 1

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*Ethan's POV*

If there's anyone in the world who knew about success, I would be a living testimony of this. In life, I've learnt to believe that success is a journey, not a destination. I've always felt that I could achieve anything once I was man enough to do so. That's why I started King's Industries. Nothing will ever work out 100% the first time around, so therefore, you must work hard, and try and try again.

I did risk a lot of money in the beginning, but the end result was more overwhelming than I ever thought it could be. I was 20 when I started my business, and now, it has become an international company that specializes in so many industries. But most of my success is because of the brilliant team I have working for me. We're one big family at King's Industries.

I'm the man who works 7 days a week, using the excuse that I need to provide for my family. But the truth is, I want to help people all across the world. That's why we have a charity fund and a ball every year where companies unite to help the less fortunate. I've been there. I should know what it means to have little. I came from little. My parents provided for us, but with four children, enough is never enough. So, with my business, I've brought great light to my family.


Looking at Elle asleep now, I smile. When a father sees his son or daughter growing in the warmth of his woman's body, he has nothing else to do but smile.

My woman.

She was really tired to have been knocked out for 5 hours straight, but she really does need the sleep. She's too pale and she's not only taking care of herself, but our baby too.

Our baby.

Hearing those two words, bring joy to my heart. And to believe that she's kept him a secret for so long, I can't help but get a little mad. But, I can't possibly stay angry at her for so long, can I?

She's curled up on my side fast asleep while I do some work that I should have done in the office today. But being with her is more amazing and fulfilling than sitting in my boring office, anyway. Having her with me, I know she's okay, and nothing can harm her or our baby.

Suddenly, there are voices in the hallway, then a knock on my bed-room door and it is pushed open. My parents and siblings walk into my room-without permission. When they see Ellie, they all smile and walk over to my bed.

My mom is the first to speak. "Hey son. I saw Daniel downstairs and he said you didn't go to work today. Is Ellie okay? What about the baby?" Her voice has the sound of panic.

"Elle and the baby's okay. She hasn't been getting enough sleep because this little man has been kicking up a storm." I laugh at the pun. "I hope it's okay I brought her here. She has been sleeping so peaceful for the past 5 hours, and she's so adorable."

They all laugh and sit on the bed or on the chairs surrounding the bed, keeping their gazes locked on Elle.

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